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PAGE PAGE 18 密 级: 单位代码: 分 类 号: 学 号: 学 士 学 位 论 文 论文题目:产品与市场开发过程中的风险分析 作者姓名 专业 金融学 指导教师姓名 专业技术职务 2010 年 12 摘要:风险投资简单的说就是冒着风险投资。那么为什么会有人冒着风险投资呢?对于风险投资我们应该注重理解这两个方面:一方面,任何投资都是有风险的;另一方面,风险也是一种投资。应该说风险是一种机遇,在那充满不确定因素和失败的背后隐藏着的往往是巨大的“宝藏”。这也就是风险投资的原动力所在。当我们处理好了风险的管理和控制,那我们的风险就变成了一种有收益的投资,风险是我们追求利益的必经途径,也是获得利益的最佳手段。这也是我进行产品开发和市场风险分析的原动力所在,只有足够的分析风险的存在,加之以管理和控制,我们便能获得更大的收益。本文较为详细的阐述了产品开发和市场开发的过程及其过程中的相关风险,以及如 何进行风险管理,风险管理的效益等问题。 Abstract:Venture investment simply means the investment in the risk. Why does anyone want to take the risking investment? For the venture investment,we should pay great attention to understanding two respects. On one hand, all the investment has a risk. On the other hand, the risk also is an investment. The risk is a kind of opportunity. The behind of full uncertainty parts and failures often is the huge treasure. This is also the impulsion of venture investment. When we handle the risk well, the risk became a profitable investment. The risk is the necessary way and best method we pursue profit. This is also the impulsion we take the development of our product and the analysis of market risk. Only if we enough analysis the risk, in addition to manage and control it, we will get a bigger profit. This paper expounds in detail the process of the product development、the market development、the related risk in the process and how to carry on the risking management etc. 关键词:产品开发、市场开发、风险管理、市场监控、风险投资。 Keywords: product development, market development, the management of the risk, market monitoring, venture investment. 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc286903226 一、产品开发和市场开发概述 PAGEREF _Toc286903226 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l _Toc286903227 二、产品开发和市场开发的环节风险 PAGEREF _Toc286903227 \h 9 HYPERLINK \l _Toc286903228 (一)产品开发的战略风险 PAGEREF _Toc286903228 \h 9 HYPERLINK \l _Toc286903229 1、公司战略 PAGEREF _Toc286903229 \h 9 HYPERLINK \l _Toc286903230 2、战略风险 PAGEREF _Toc286903230 \h 10


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