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word完美格式 PAGE 精心整理 学习帮手 火灾报警器 内容摘要:多少年来,火灾一直是人们所遭遇的最主要灾害之一,曾对人类的文明造成了重大破坏,许多著名的建筑大都毁于火灾。由火灾引发的重大安全事故比比皆是,所以人类一直也未停止过对它的研究。本文介绍了一种适用于多种公共场所的基于单片机火灾报警系统。 本系统以AT89C51为主控制器,DS18B20温度传感器为感温器件,离子感烟传感器为感烟元件,将烟雾和温度等信号转化为可检测的电信号。然后将传感器输出的电信号送入A/D转换电路 ,完成烟雾传感器和温度传感器输出的模拟信号到数字信号的转换,再由单片机判断现场是否发生火灾。若发生火灾,系统会驱动蜂鸣器和LED指示灯报警。该系统主要由烟感数据采集模块、单片机控制模块、驱动声光报警模块组成,采用高性能的单片机芯片为核心和高灵敏度的离子感烟传感器和温度传感器,而且利用声音和指示灯两种报警形式进行报警提示,大大的提高了系统的精确性和可靠性。 关键词:火灾报警器 离子感烟探测器 AT89C51单片机 DS18B20 Fire Alarm Abstract: For many years, fire was people encountered the main disasters, had to human civilization caused major damage. Many famous buildings mostly destroyed in the fire. A major safety accident caused by a fire can be found everywhere, so human beings have never stopped studying it. This paper introduces a kind of fire alarm system based on single chip microcomputer, which is suitable for many kinds of public places. The system takes the AT89C51 as the main controller, and the DS18B20 temperature sensor is a temperature sensor, the ion sensor is a sensor, and the signal can be converted into a detectable signal. Then the sensor output of the electrical signal into the A/D conversion circuit, complete the smoke sensor and temperature sensor output analog signal to digital signal conversion, and then by the microcontroller to determine whether the scene of fire. If a fire occurs, the system will drive the buzzer and LED indicator alarm. The system mainly by the smoke sense data collection module, MCU control module, drive the sound and light alarm module, as the core and high sensitivity of ion smoke sensor and temperature sensor with high performance single chip, and the use of sound and the indicator lamp two types of alarm, alarm, greatly improve the accuracy and reliability of the system. Key words: fire alarm smoke detector AT89C51 MCU DS18B20 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc452579093 1 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc452579093 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc452579094 1.1 课题研究背景 PAG


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