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附件(三)Appendix C 郵寄地址Mailing address : 香港數碼港道100 號數碼港3 座C 區6 樓608 至613 室( 信封上請註明 「南行覓跡:M+ 藏品中的東南亞」交通費津貼申請) Units 608–613, Level 6, Core C, Cyberport 3, No. 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong (stating ‘Transportation Subsidy Application for In Search of Southeast Asia through the M+ Collections’ on the envelope) 交通費津貼申請表 Transportation Subsidy Application Form 為方便學生/會員或服務使用者前往參觀 「南行覓跡:M+ 藏品中的東南亞」展覽,本館將向有需要的學校 、註冊慈善 團體及非牟利機構提供交通費津貼。 (服務長者或不同能力人士*之機構將獲優先考慮 。) 敬請 貴校/機構填妥下列表格,詳細列出每輛出租旅遊巴士的資料,並先向旅遊巴士公司付款,再連同每輛出租旅遊 巴士的收據正本 (須註明接載路線),於參觀日期後三星期內遞交或郵寄至M+ 。 每間學校/機構只能遞交一份申請,申請資料及收據經查核後,津貼款項會以實報實銷原則 ,於三個月內以支票形式發 出及郵寄回 貴校/機構 。支票收款人必須為 貴校/機構或活動負責人,並由學校/機構蓋印證明為確實 。M+不會直 接向旅遊巴士公司支付津貼 。每間學校/機構的津貼金額上限為港幣一千五百元正 。如交通費超過上限,亦只會獲得港 幣一千五百元正,餘額須由申請學校/機構自行承擔。如交通費金額低於津貼上限,亦只會按實際費用發放資助。 請參閱第三及第四頁的申請交通津貼注意事項。 *註:即指「殘疾人士」。 To encourage students/ members or service users to visit In Search of Southeast Asia through the M+ Collections, schools, registered charities, and registered non-profit organisations may apply for transportation subsidies. (Priority will be given to organisations serving older adults or people with specific needs*.) Please complete the form below, providing information on the hired coach buses. Payment to coach bus companies must be made in advance. Please return the form by hand or by post together with the original receipt(s) (indicating the route taken) to M+ within three weeks after the visit. Each school/organisation can only submit one application. A cheque for the exact amount of the reimbursement will be issued and mailed to your school/organisation within three months after the application and receipts are approved. The name of the payee must be your school/organisation or the person in charge, and be certified by the school/organisation stamp. M+ will not reimburse the coach bus companies dir


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