凯悦酒店 如何服务中式婚宴 02-19 How to serve a chinese wedding dinner.ppt

凯悦酒店 如何服务中式婚宴 02-19 How to serve a chinese wedding dinner.ppt

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Objective (目标) By the end of this session, our objective is to ensure that you have learned “How to serve a Chinese Wedding Dinner” with confidence, and according to our defined standards. 在本次课程的结尾,我们的目标是确保你能按照我们所讲授的标准学会“如何服务中式婚宴 ?”. Any Questions? 有什么问题吗? Check the table set up 检查餐桌摆台 What do we need to check? 我们需要检查什么? Set up per person 每个位的摆台 Show plate 展示盘 Chopstick and spoon rest 带勺托的筷架 Chopstick 筷子 Divider spoon 汤勺 Check the table set up 检查餐桌摆台 Napkin on show plate 在展示盘上摆放餐巾 Single menu board 单独的菜单板 Wine glass 葡萄酒杯 High ball glass 饮料杯 Table set up 桌面摆台 Table cloth 桌布 Check the table set up 检查餐桌摆台 Molleton 布垫 Lazy Susan and ring 玻璃转盘和底托 Floral centre piece 鲜花装饰 Special sauces 专用酱汁 Vinegar 醋 Chocolates 糖块 Check the table set up 检查餐桌摆台 What do we need to ensure? 我们必须确保什么? All operating equipment is clean and polished, free from cracks and chips 所有的用具必须经过擦拭干净,没有破损和裂痕 Table cloth and napkins are clean, free from runs and tears, well pressed 桌布和餐巾必须干净必须干净,没有破损和脱线 Menus are according to the menu served, no tears and well printed 菜单按照已确定的菜品打印,没有破损 Check the table set up 检查餐桌摆台 Flowers are fresh and according to standards, using high and low centrepieces to add to the room layout 鲜花按照标准保持新鲜,用高低错落的鲜花增加房间的整体美观 Who is responsible for the final check? 谁负责进行最后的检查? The Assistant Manager/Manager 副理/经理 Check the table set up 检查餐桌摆台 What do we need to ensure? 我们必须确保什么? All service employees are groomed as per HI standard 所有员工的仪容仪表都必须符合东莞松山湖凯悦酒店的标准 2. Inspect the lighting & fixtures 检查灯光和固定设施 What condition should the lights & fixtures be in? 灯光和固定设施应当处于什么状态? Working condition 工作正常 Free from dust 无尘 Only the specified light bulbs are used 只使用指定的灯光 Inspect the lighting & fixtures 检查灯光和固定设施 Pin spotting on designated show pieces 射灯在指定的位置 Comfortably


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