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第38 卷 第1 期 中 国 电 机 工 程 学 报 Vol.38 No.1 Jan. 5, 2018 2018 年1 月5 日 Proceedings of the CSEE ©2018 Chin.Soc.for Elec.Eng. 85 DOI :10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.172082 文章编号:0258-8013 (2018) 01-0085-12 中图分类号:TM76 大数据技术在配电网中的应用综述 费思源 ( 国网上海市电力公司,上海市 浦东区 200000) Overview of Application of Big Data Technology in Power Distribution System FEI Siyuan (Shanghai Electric Power Company, Pudong District, Shanghai 200000, China) [1] ABSTRACT: Big data technology is currently a real research 不足 ,常常顾此失彼;配电设备量大面广,检修 hotspot in every field. Based on the big data technology, this 排程复杂[2],检修模式在低压配网中比较传统—— paper discussed its applications in power distribution system. [3],且配电设备作为 以定期检修或事故后检修为主 Firstly, the significance was illuminated that big data 电网自身重要资产,直接影响配电网运营和资产管 technology would bring into the development of power 理,在市场环境下还会直接影响配电网的运行成 distribution system and this paper also has made a brief 本[4] ;随着越来越多的分布式能源接入配电网,对 conclusion on the current application situation of big data [5] 电网的运行、调度、规划带来极大的困难 ,虽然 technology in power distribution system. Then, based on big data technology, advanced operation management, maintenance 目前分布式能源在配网的渗透率不高,但从长远电 arrangement, network planning and asset management in 网耗能模式发展趋势来看,分布式能源成为电网侧 power distribution network was analyzed. Next, three core 核心“源”已成必然[6],所以配电网需要有足够的 research areas were



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