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• 20
• 1922
• 1946
• 1950
500 24
A primary goal of dynamic meteorology is to interpret the observed
structure of large-scale atmospheric motions in terms of the physical
laws governing the motions. These laws, which express the
conservation of momentum, mass, and energy, completely
determine the relationships among the pressure, temperature, and
velocity elds. These governing laws are quite complicated even
when the hydrostatic approximation (which is valid for all large-scale
meteorological systems) is applied. For extratropical synoptic-scale
motions, however, the horizontal velocities are approximately
geostrophic. Such motions, which are usually referred to as quasi-
geostrophic, are simpler to analyze than are tropical disturbances or
planetary scale disturbances. They are also the major systems of
interest in traditional short-range weather forecasting, and are thus
a reasonable starting point for dynamical analysis. (Holton 2004)
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