七上《Project 1 A visit to a fire station》word教学设计(牛津上海版)教案.DOC

七上《Project 1 A visit to a fire station》word教学设计(牛津上海版)教案.DOC

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Project 1 A visit to a fire station 长乐学校 周淑慧 Project 1 A visit to a fire station是对牛津英语教材7A Module 3 Unit 1 Controlling fire 的拓展教学。本课属于以下两个课题的个案研究课: 1.《以英语课后任务为基础,发展学生研究性学力的案例研究》 我要求五、六个同学自由组成一队,全班同学分成六个小组活动。 在参观访问消防站之前有两项任务: 让学生自己选择方法获取离我校最近的消防站的电话号码。 设计访问消防员的问题 在参观访问消防站之后还有个任务: 将访问记录用英语再现。 无论是参观前,还是参观后的任务,都需要学生以小组为单位,一起合作、学习、研究,并将收集的资料进行整理,从而使学生在完成任务的过程中学会合作,学会学习,学会研究,最后在课上实现资源共 2.《初探创设和优化英语学习环境和氛围——让墙壁说话 本课让学生在参观访问消防站之后,将所获取的大量信息整理后,在课堂上制作海报,丰富墙壁的信息,再通过视觉学习,来促进学生的体觉学习(活动中学)。这将帮助学生更好地学习英语,提高学生语言综合运用的能力,更能赢得学生对英语学科的喜爱和兴趣 本课通过观看消防演习录像,让学生根据所学用英语解说;根据参观时所拍的照片,来回忆,并用英语描述当时的情景(并且穿插三个活动:学习火警时的逃生法则,并立即进行小测试;穿制服比赛;用英语再现采访消防员的情景);最后制作英语海报。结合即将举行的区英语演讲活动,将本课所学纳入本班选拔赛的英语演讲主题内,本课的课后任务是这样设计的:就“火”、“消防员”、“访问消防站”等为主题,写一份英语演讲稿 Project 1 A visit to a fire station Date: November 10, 2003 Class: Class 4 Grade 7, Changle School Teacher: Zhou Shuhui (周淑慧) Language focus: Asking ‘Wh-’ question to find out specific information about an object Using the present continuous tense to describe an action taking place at the time of speaking Using prepositions to indicate a purpose Teaching procedure: I. Warming-up 1. Daily talk[ 2. Quickly responses II. Watch and talk 1. T: Yesterday was a special day. Do you know it? (Fire Prevention Day) 2. T: Let’s watch a video about fire prevention. Please try to talk about it. (Play the video and show some key words.) III. Look and say T: We visited a fire station on Oct. 31. We also took some photos. Now I show them to you. Please say something about the visiting. 1. Queue up[ 2. Training 3. Bedroom 4. Escape rules in a fire T: In the library, Mr. Sun showed me some pictures. Now I show you them. Then let’s do a quiz. 5. Game T: Mr. Sun taught us fold the uniform. I will invite one representative from each group to wear your uniform. Let’s see who is the fastest one. 6. Fire engines 7. Interview T: You asked the firemen some questions. Now I will invite two representatives from each group to act out in English. One will be the student, the other will


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