毕业论文 人力资源激励机制研究.doc

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XX大学毕业论文 人力资源激励机制研究 专业名称: 班 级: 学生姓名: 指导老师: 完成时间: 摘 要 当今时代,经济竞争的实质是人才竞争。企业的发展需要员工的支持。每一个企业管理者应该懂得,员工决不仅是一种工具,其主动性、积极性和创造性将对企业生存和发展产生巨大的作用。而要取得员工的支持,就必须对员工进行激励。在当今复杂的环境中从事管理工作是非常艰难的。管理者与员工关系的本质是一种不言而喻的心理契约,并在不断演进。员工在组织内部以及组织之间的活动日益“自由化”,结构、时间、区域和权力的传统界限日益模糊。在全球经济中竭力竞争的各个企业都在减小规模,实行兼并,转变机制和进行迁徙,以便形成了更新的生存模式。管理者与员工一样,都受到了巨大的挑战,旧的传统和体系必须要打破,并以全新的方式相互合作。在经济全球化的大背景下,深入研究人力资源激励机制,为激励主体建立一套科学的既有激励,又有约束的运行机制,具有重大的现实意义。 关键词: 人力资源;激励;激励机制 Abstract In contemporary times, economic competition, in essence, is the competition for talent. The development of enterprises need the support of staff. Every enterprise managers should know, the staff summary is not only a tool, the initiative, enthusiasm and creativity of the survival and development of enterprises will have a tremendous role. In order to obtain the support of staff, it is necessary to encourage the staff. In today complex environment in the management is very difficult. Managers and employees the nature of the relationship is a self-evident psychological contract, and in constant evolution. Employees within the organization and between the organization activities have been quot;liberalizationquot;, structure, time, the regional powers and the traditional boundaries of increasingly blurred. In the global economy make it competitive in the various enterprises are reduced size, a merger, and change the mechanism of movement, in order to develop the updated survival mode. Administrators and staff, have been a huge challenge, the old and traditional system must be broken, and a new way of mutual cooperation. In the context of economic globalization, in-depth study of human resources and incentive mechanisms, the main incentive for the establishment of a set of scientific existing incentives, have constrained operating mechanism is of great practical significance. Key words:Human resources; incentive; incentive mechanism 目录 人力资源激励机制概述………………………………………1 二、 现代激励理论与应用…………


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