商志四六级写作模板 (1)汇编.doc

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四六级作文的高分模板,听过商志老师的课认真总结的呢!【绝对值得收藏】 我是一个考上研的学生,当时听了商志老师传奇作文班,考研作文拿了26分(总分30分)!因为六级没过,前些天蹭了大二学弟学妹的启航商志老师的四六级作文课!按照听课的内容我全给大家总结出来了!按照我给大家总结的内容去背,四六级作文准能拿高分!也请大家看完之后分享给朋友啊!东西不多,但绝对够用哦! 四级的同学这个段落是必背的啊!其他的模型 1.图画段落(段落组合:段落123) 四级的同学这个段落必背的啊!其他的选背就可以了四四级司机级的同学这个段落是必背的啊!其他的模型 What is subtly portrayed in the above illustration is that afather is talking to hisdaughter,with the dialogue/behavior thought-provoking. As can be apparently seen in it, whenasked/hearing how her school was today, the daughter told her father that all about it wasin her blog. However simple the given drawing mayappear at first sight, its implication goes undoubtedly far-reaching: the internet has exerted significant influence on interpersonal communications.(段落模型1:描述图画) What might account for the phenomenon conveyed by the statistics in the given chart/graph/table? It is no difficult job for us to come up with some possible factors that underlie the above complicated phenomenon. For one thing, …………………………For another, ……………………. Besides, one more important factor worth our concern is that…………………………. (段落模型2:解释原因) Giventhe currentissue, the whole society should take it seriously and take relevant actions. Our government of various levels could make relevant plans or rules to guideall to live a scientific and properlife. Furthermore,each individual should be made aware that any prompt action is of benefit to all. ……………………………………. (段落模型3:提出观点或看法) 2.表格型(段落组合:段落423) As is evidently illustrated in the figures offered in the above chart/graph/table, the unemployment rate is in opposite proportion to the level ofeducation-----the higherthe degree, the lower the unemployment rate. As can be apparently seen from this chart/graph/table, the unemployment rate is 1.9% for those with adoctoral degree , while it is 14.9% for those without even a high school diploma.(段落模型4:描述表格中的趋势、数字变化) 后两段同图画段落模型23 3.评论当前的一个社会现象(段落组合:段落523) The past couple of years has witnessed the prevalence of a noteworthy social phenomenon ----??a


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