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毕业设计 转筒干燥器的总体与结构设计 摘要:在化学生产中,有些原料,半成品或成品含有或多或少的水分或其他溶剂。为了满足使用的要求,常采用干燥的方法将这些水分或溶剂除去,而干燥的方法和设备是多种多样的。 回转干燥器是一种常见的干燥设备。它适合于颗粒状,湿物料的干燥,如纯碱,硝铵,和各种盐类等。回转干燥器能使物料在滚桶内翻动,抛撒,与热空气或烟道气充分接触,干燥速度快,生产力较高,因此广泛应用于化工,食品等工业生产中。 设计的主体部件是1000×8000mm规格的转筒部分,筒的转动依靠齿轮带动,筒的重量主要由两个托轮支撑,而托轮则由两个轴承支撑,抄板翻动物料。 该设备生产能力大,结构简单,但是效率较低。 关键词:回转 托轮 齿轮 轴承 抄板 指导老师签字: ROTARY DRYER WITH THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF THE OVERALL Student Name:Yang YueFeng Class: 078153 Supervisor: Zhang Xiaorong Abstract: In the processing of the chemistry industry, some materials,semi-finished produces or finished produces contain more or less imprecision or other solvents.In order to satisfy the requirements of use, we need rid them by drying technology. There are many kinds of the methods equipments for drying. The drying machine of turning cylinder is an old equipment and are in common use .It is fit to dry the wet materials ,such as sulphur ,all kinds of salts etc .It can make the materials turning over,throwing or scattering , and contact with the hot air amply .It’s drying speed is faster, and the manufacture ability is also very good .So it applies to the processing of the chemistry ,foodstuff etc widely. The assignment of the design is the turning around section of serial 1000×8000mm .The turning of tube-shaped object depends on the gears .The weight is sustained with two supporting wheels .The supporting wheels is sustained with two bearing .The funtion of lifting of board is to turn over the matters. The manufacture ability of this equipment is larger ,and the structure is simple ,but the efficiency is very lower. Keywords: turning around ,supporting wheels ,the gears ,bearing ,lifting board . Signature of Supervisor: 转筒干燥器的总体与结构设计 1 引言 干燥的操作几乎涉及到国民经济的所有部门,广泛用于生产和生活之中。所谓干燥,一般是指从固体材料中使液体(主要是水份)挥发和分离的操作,也包括从液体或泥浆状的物料中蒸发除去水分,以达到固体中失去水分的操作。其目的是除去某些原料、半成品以及成品中的水分或溶剂,以便于加工、使用、运输、储藏等。 干燥是消耗大量热量的操作,在严格要求


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