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本科毕业论文 自动配料系统 摘要 可编程控制器是一种数字运算操作的电子系统,专为在工业环境下应用而设计。它采用可编程序的存贮器,用来在其内部存贮执行逻辑运算、顺序控制、定时、计数和算术运算等操作的指令,并通过数字的、模拟的输入和输出,控制各种类型的机械或生产过程。 PLC具有通信联网的功能,它使PLC与PLC 之间、PLC与上位计算机以及其他智能设备之间能够交换信息,形成一个统一的整体,实现分散集中控制。 原始配料过程中工人工作繁重,出错率高,称重的重量无监测,生产数据无纪录等不能保证企业的生产工艺?文中以PC机编程,可编程逻辑控制器(PLC),现场总线技术等现代工控技术为基础,开发了以PC机为上位机, 以PLC作为下位机的自动配料系统?在整个生产过程中,一旦生产计划制定完成,计算机将按照计划对每种原料进行称重,不再需要人工来干预?在这个过程中工人只是进行取料,由计算机通过电子称发来的数据校核重量,减轻了工人的工作负担,提高了工作效率? 关键词:通信,配料,PLC Abstract Programmable controller is a digital computing operation of electronic systems, specially designed for application in industrial environment. It USES a programmable memory, used in its internal storage implementation logic operation, sequence control, timing, counting and arithmetic operation instruction, and through digital and analog input and output, control various types of machinery or production process. PLC has the function of communication network, it makes the PLC and between PLC and between PLC and upper computer, and other intelligent device can exchange information, form a unified whole, realize the centralized control. Raw ingredients in the process of workers to work hard, error rate is high, the weight of the weighing no monitoring, production data, no records cannot guarantee companies such as production process. In this paper to the PC programming, programmable logic controller (PLC), field bus technology and other modern industrial control technology as the foundation, developed with PC to PC, PLC as lower machine of automatic batching system. In the whole process, once finish production plan, the computer will be carried out in accordance with the plan of each raw material weighing, no longer require human intervention. In this process is to take material, data from all parts of the computer through the electronic said check weight, reduce the workload of workers, improve work efficiency. Key words: communication, ingredients, PLC 第一章、绪论 近年来,国内新建烧结机的配料方法均采用皮带配料自动称重控制,其实就是按原料的重量来配料,采用电子皮带秤对物料进行连续计量,


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