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摘要 PAGE PAGE 1 招商银行微博营销策略的研究及启示 摘 要 微博的出现被称为信息传播形式的里程杯,在当代社会呈井喷式发展。微博营销,即利用微博展开营销,作为一种新兴网络营销模式已经在企业营销活动中发挥了重要作用。自2006年微博诞生以来其发展劲头势不可挡,随之伴生着微博营销的火热。现在微博营销是公认的未来主要营销手段之一,国外由于经济体系比较完善、学者众多微博营销体系逐渐趋于健全。但国内由于微博兴起比较晚,微博营销起初不被重视,所以目前国内微博营销研究还处于起步阶段。大多在于微博营销方法、面临问题等方面的研究。本文就是通过对招商银行微博营销策略的研究,分析其成功独到之处结合国内外学者研究成果总结出自己对于金融行业微博营销策略的观点。 关键词 招商银行;微博营销;营销策略;启示 Merchants Bank microblogging marketing strategy for Research and Enlightenment Abstract The microblogging known as a form of information dissemination mileage Cup, was a spurt of development in contemporary society. Microblogging marketing, namely the use of microblogging start marketing as an emerging network marketing model has played an important role in corporate marketing activities. Since the micro-Bo was born in 2006, its development momentum is unstoppable and will be associated with the hot microblogging marketing. Microblogging marketing is now recognized as the main means of marketing abroad because of the economic system more perfect, scholars, many microblogging marketing system is becoming more and more sound. The country relatively late due to the rise of microblogging, microblogging marketing at first not taken seriously, so the current domestic microblogging marketing is still in its infancy. Mostly lies in the microblogging marketing methods, the problems faced by the research. This article is microblogging marketing strategy in China Merchants Bank, research, and analysis of its success to the unique combination of domestic and foreign scholars research summed up their view microblogging marketing strategy for the financial industry. Keywords China Merchants Bank; Microblogging marketing; Marketing strategy; Revelation 毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明 原创性声明 本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人或组织已经发表或公



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