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音像管理系统 摘 要 音像制品租借管理面对强大的信息量可以轻松的管理,减少了在管理上面物力和人力,有利于店铺提高工作效率。面对庞大的信息量,店铺在正常运营中需要对影碟信息、会员信息、租借信息进行管理,利用该管理系统及时了解保个环节中信息的变更,有利于提高管理的效率.通过这样的系统,可以做到信息的规范管理、统计数据和快速的查询,从而减少在管理方面的工作量。当今社会音像制品的种类越来越频繁,使得对其管理的工作也变得越来越复杂。如何管理好音像制品的信息,成为管理中一个大的问题。如果能实现管理的自动化,无疑将给店主带来很大的方便。音像租借店作为一种信息资源的集散地,音像制品和用户借阅资料繁多,包含很多的信息数据的管理,现今,有很多的音像租赁店都是初步开始使用,甚至尚未使用计算机进行信息管理。音像租赁店若采取手工方式对光盘资料和光盘租赁情况进行人工管理,由于资料繁多,手工处理的工作量大,整体管理效率低下,也不方便客户对光盘资料的查阅。为了提高日常的光盘管理效率,本文针对通常的光盘管理流程,以B/S架构设计了一个光盘租赁管理系统,可满足大多数中小型音像租赁店的管理要求。该系统用于影碟出租店,方便租盘、还盘、查找等操作,是出租影碟店的最佳助手。可以自定义,方便添加新盘、管理光盘、管理会员。提供完善的租盘和还盘操作,完全独立的数据库系统,数据管理为您提供:影碟管理,会员管理,租借信息管理。数据查询为您提供:租借情况,影碟查询,会员查询。本系统具有安全的数据库备份方案,简单易用。 关键词:音像制品,店铺,B/S模式 The management system of the CD (VCD/DVD) Abstract The small management system of the CD (VCD/DVD) lease faces the strong amount of information, the management that can be light. Reduce the material resources and manpower in managing, help the shop to improve working efficiency and shop benefit. Facing the strong amount of information, the shop should manage many kinds of information about user, CD and CD lease when it running. Through the management system, you can manage the information canonically, collect the date and query quickly, to reduce the workload at the management.Today the increment of many kinds of CD makes the management of CD lease management become more and more complex, How to manage the information of CD lease is becoming a big problem for management. If the automation of management can be realized, it is helpful for the shopkeeper.Since volumes of CD management activities have to take place daily in CD lease shop, it will be a hard work and be low efficiency if only manual operations are adopted in the management. To upgrade their management efficiency, people would like to develop various Book Management Systems to help their daily work. In this paper a book management system built in Browser/Server structure is designed, which can meet requirements of most lease shop management for its integr



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