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免学费演讲稿   篇一:免学费演讲稿   【美国总统演讲】免除社区大学学费 remarks of vice president joe biden weekly address   the white house   april 11, XX ladies and gentlemen, this is joe biden and i’m here filling in for president   obama, who is , the source of our economic power and middle class strength in the 20th   century was thefact that we were among the first major nations in the world to provide   twelve years of freeeducation for our in the 21st century, other countries have already caught up and twelve years   is simply nolonger enough—a minimum of fourteen years is nececonsider that by the end of the decade, two out of three of all jobs will require   an educationbeyond high school, from an 18-week certificate to a two-year associate’   s degree to a four-yearbachelor’s, or a phd. and consider that folks with an associate’s degree earn 25% more than someone   who graduatedjust from high school. and folks who graduate with a four-year degree   make 70% more.   zero—for anyone willing to work for it and for the institutions that meet certain   basic requirements.   but here’s another key point. not every good-paying job will require a two-year   or four-yeardegree. some of these jobs will require just a training certificate that   can be earned in just a fewmonths. here’s what we propose: close loopholes for the wealthiest investors and levy   a .07% fee on thebiggest banks to discourage the kind of risky behavior that crashed   our economy just a few ’s what middle-class economics is all about—giving folks a fair chance to   get ahead. a fair taxcode. no guarantees. just a fair chance. so i want to thank you all for listening. i hope you have a great weekend and   god bless you all andmay god protect our troops.篇二:XX招生宣传演讲稿 学校招生宣传   亲爱的同学们:   激情燃烧的六月渐成人生的美好记忆,新的征程又将再次启航,在同学们面临人生的重   大抉择之时,在这里,我向同学们郑重地提出几点建议:一是初中毕业后一定要继续升学读书。现代社会对公民的素养要求越来越高,你们现在   又正是求学的黄金时期,所以首先要多读点书。知识是别人拿不走的财富,技能是我们90   后将来创业致富的根本。   二是要恰当地选择读普高和职高。如果你的基础扎实、成绩好,选择读普高,我支持你   的选择。如果你的基础一般,甚至有些科目还比较差,选择去挤高考的独木桥


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