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威海市促进韩资企业健康发展的对策建议 PAGE 本科毕业论文(设计) 威海市促进韩资企业健康发展 的对策建议 The suggestions of contributing to Weihai’s Korean Enterprises develop healthily 摘 要 威海与韩国毗邻而居,是中国大陆距韩国最近的沿海城市。强烈的地缘优势、发展的共同愿望再加上两地源远流长的友谊,使得威海与韩国经济互补性很强,合作潜力巨大,前景十分广阔。威海成为韩资企业的聚集区,无论从投资动因,公司规模还是产业分布,威海的韩资企业都极具代表意义。在到威海投资的国家和地区中,韩国投资企业的个数、合同外资和实际外资均列其它国家和地区之前,居首位。一水之隔的韩国已成为威海最大的投资国。本文通过通过对威海市韩资企业现状的调查研究,运用调查法,数据分析法,实证分析法及SWOT分析法分析韩资企业发展的特点、问题及对威海市经济发展的影响,找出促进威海市韩资快速发展的经营策略。 关键词 威海 韩资企业 发展 健康 建议 ABSTRACT Weihai next to the South Korea, is the Chinese mainland South Korea recently from the coastal cities. Strong advantage of location, development of the common desire plus two of the long history of friendship, make weihai and South Korea economic strong complementarity, cooperation potentials, prospect. become Korea endowment the enterprise gathering area, no matter from investment motivation, the company scale or industrial distribution, the Korea endowment enterprise weihai are extremely meaningful. The investment in weihai to countries and area, South Korea investment enterprise, the number of foreign investment and the actual foreign investment contract are listed in other countries and areas, before the first. The South Korea fujian has become the largest investor in weihai. This article through to weihai city Korea endowment enterprise through investigation of the present situation of research, using: investigation method, data analysis, the empirical analysis and SWOT analysis (Korea characteristics of the development of the enterprise, problems and weihai to impact on economic development, and find out the citys rapid development in promoting the management strategy. Key words Weihai Korean enterprises development healthily suggestions 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 引言 h 3 1威海市韩资企业发展的现状 h 4 1.1威海市韩资企业的数量与规模 h 4 1.2威海市韩资企业的种类与特点 h 4 2韩资企业对威海发展的重要性 h 6 2.1韩资企业对威海经济的促进作用 h 6 2.2韩资企业对威海社会文化的影响 h 7 3韩资企业在威海发展产生的问题 h 7 3.1韩资企业发展自身遇到的问题 h 7 3.2韩资的非正常撤离 h 8 3.3韩资对威海本土企业的冲击


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