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毕业论文 城镇化建设过程中失地农民就业问题调研 ——以平潭岛为例 类别:社会科学类社会调查报告和学术论文 城镇化建设过程中失地农民就业问题调研 ——以平潭岛为主要调查地点 【摘 要】城镇化是我国现代化建设的一个必经过程,也是我国现代文明的一个重要标志。目前,我国城镇化正处于快速发展阶段,但是这其中困难重重、情势严峻。在城镇化建设过程中,乡镇逐渐变为城市,当地农民的户口也变为城镇户口,但这一部分群体也失去了以前赖以生存的土地,就业问题严峻。“失地农民”的就业是农村城镇化建设进程中必然存在的问题,到目前为止,尚未找到有效化解的途径。农民失业问题具有暂时性、局部性的特点,但如何在城镇化建设中迅速有效地解决农民的就业问题是各国一直在致力于解决的的问题。 在土地征用过程中,政府往往进行一次金额赔偿,当这并不是一个有效的方法。“授之以鱼不如授之以渔”,如何促进失地农民的就业,稳定社会不安因素、提高农民的生活水平、对构建和谐社会具有重要意义。解决失地农民的就业问题,就必须发展经济,开发多元化的就业岗位,转变就业思想观念,鼓励农民积极创业,加大政策扶持力度,建立城乡一体化的劳动力市场,加大培训,提高失地农民的市场竞争力,健全社会保障体系。 【关键词】 个案调查 就业观念 市场竞争力 社会保障机制 Abstract: Urbanization is a process we have to go through in the Modernization construction of our country, an important symbol of our country’s modern civilization as well. At the present, urbanization in our country is at the stage of rapid development, but there still are many problems and severe cases. During the process of urbanization construction, towns have gradually turned into cities, the residency of local farmers have turned into city residency. However, this group of people has lost the lands they have lived by before, resulting in more severe employment. The employment of these land-lost farmers is an inevitable problem existing in the process of the construction of rural urbanization. So far, no effective ways have been found to overcome it. Farmers’ unemployment problem has the characteristics of impermanence and locality. But how to solve the farmers’ employment problem effectively and rapidly in the urbanization construction is what all countries have been working to. In the process of land requisition, the government often pays an amount of money each time, which is not a valid method certainly. “Teach fish to be inferior to teach to fish”, how to promote the employment of the farmers, stabilize social unrest factors, and improve the standard of living has important meaning to build a harmonious society. To solve the land-lost farmers’ employment problems, it is necessary to develop the


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