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毕 业 论 文 题目:江西省城镇居民收入差异的统计分析 姓 名 : 专 业 : 统 计 学 班 级 : 学 号 : 指导老师 : 20xx年xx月xx日 摘 要 近年来,江西省居民收入分配格局发生很大变化,各个群体都获得了由经济快速发展所带来的实惠,居民生活水平显著提高。但由于受经济发展不平衡、市场机制及管理缺陷、再分配调节力度不够等因素影响,居民收入在持续增长的基础上,收人差距也呈扩大态势。居 民收入分配问题,直接影响社会的稳定及和谐社会的建设,必须引起我们的高度重视。 本文首先对江西省收入差距进行重点分析,通过横向及纵向对比具体分析差距。江西省收入分配差距的现状进行分析,追溯江西省收入差距的演变过程,叙述我国收入差距扩大的具体表现,既包括城乡收入差距也包括地区收入差距的表现,然后运用数据表格和统计图形象的说明江西省现阶段的收入分配差距。其次,基于宏观政策的角度,分析我省收入分配差距扩大的原因,从经济发展政策、社会保障制度、教育制度、税收制度和垄断行业的监管等几方面分析我省收入分配差距的成因。再次,借鉴外省政府调节收入差距的政策,总结对我省调节收入差距有参考价值的相关政策,提出调节我省收入差距的合理的政策建议。 关键词:可支配收入 差距 调节 收入分配 城镇收入 ABSTRACT In recent years, the distribution of income in jiangxi province pattern change greatly, each group are obtained by the rapid development of the economy brought about by the affordable, people life level increased significantly. But affected by the imbalanced development of economy, market mechanism and management defect, then adjust the distribution is inadequate and other factors, the residents income in the continuous growth, and on the basis of income gap is also expanding situation. in People income distribution problems, directly influence the stability of the society and the construction of harmonious society, we must cause great attention. This paper first income gap in jiangxi province key analysis, through both horizontal and vertical contrast analysis of the specific gap. Jiangxi province of income distribution gap are analyzed, and the back of the evolution process of the income gap between the jiangxi province, the paper our country income gap of the specific performance, include not only the income gap between urban and rural area also includes regional income disparity performance, and then use data form and statistical figure the description of the image of the present stage of jiangxi province income distribution gap. Secondly, based on the macro policy point of


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