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Peking University Postcode:100871 第二十四届世界哲学大会 境外媒体采访申请表 The XXIV World Congress of Philosophy International, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan Press Pass Application Form 采访申请截止日期(北京时间):2018年7月30日17:00 Application Deadline: July 30, 2018 at 17:00 (Beijing time) 机 构 Organization 机构名称 Organization Name: 国家/地区Country/Region: 机构简介 Organization Introduction: 采 访 Interview 报道形式 Report Type: ( ) 一般报道 General Report ( ) 深度报道 In-depth Report ( ) 评论文章 Editorial Article ( ) 其他Other: ___________ 采访对象Interviewee(s): 采访提纲 Interview Outline: 预期发表或播出时间 Expected Date for Publishing or Broadcasting:   申 请 人 Applicant 姓名: Name 职务: Position 电话: Tel   手机: Mobile 传真: Fax 电子邮箱: E-mail 申请人签名(机构盖章): Applicant Signature 申请日期: 年 月 日 Date: YYYY MM DD 注Note: 1. 此表格仅供港澳台媒体及具有在华驻点的外国媒体申请使用; This form is only applicable for foreign media who have branches in China, and for media based in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan; 2. 请将填好的表格以邮件或者传真的形式寄到北京大学海外传播中心,大会期间将由北京大学海外传播中心负责传达采访申请结果、安排采访等事宜,并为记者采访报道大会提供必要的信息服务保障; Please fill out the application form and send it to the Center for Global Communication of Peking University via email or fax. The Center for Global Communication will inform the applicants of the application results, arrange follow-up interviews, and provide necessary information services for the reporters to cover the Congress; 3. 请如实填写以上信息,如有不实,北京大学将有权取消采访资格; Please fill out the form accurately. Peking University reserves the right to invalidate any applications with inaccurate information; 4. 请将采访成果通过书面、电子或音像的形式寄回北京大学留存。 Please send the results of the interview(s) to the Center for Global Communication in a written, digital, audio, or visual format so we can archive it. 北京大学海外传播中心 Center for Global Communication, Peking University 电话Tel: (+86) 010 6276 6280 邮箱E-mail:outreach@pku.edu.cn 传真Fax:(+86) 010 6276 0790


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