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毕 业 设 计 题目: 球型储罐结构设计及制造工艺 学 生: 学 号: 200805050130 院 (系): 机电工程学院 专 业: 过程装备与控制工程 指导教师: 2012 年6 月 5 日 摘 要 球形压力容器(以下简称球罐)具有占地少、受力情况好、承压能力高,可分片运到现场安装成形、容积的大小基本不受运输限制等其它压力容器无可比拟的优点,在石油、化工、城市燃气、冶金等领域广泛用于存储气体和液化气体。近年来我国球罐的大型化和高参数化工程技术水平有了长足的进步,通过对引进球罐的消化、吸收和创新,很多高参数球罐已经实现了国产化,为我国的经济发展做出了积极的贡献。为满足我国石油液化气存储需求,同时也满足石油、化工、轻纺、冶金等行业对球罐大型化的需要,迫切需要发展有自主知识产权的特大型球罐核心技术。球罐的大型化是一个复杂的系统工程,它涉及到多个学科和技术领域。针对3000m3球罐设计、制造中的几个关键技术:球罐选材、结构设计和应力分析等方面进行了研究,完成了如下工作: (1)阅读大量国内外文献,在系统了解球罐结构设计及制造方法的基础上,完成文献综述的撰写。 (2)对球罐选材进行分析比较,最终确定采用07MnCrMoVR;对球罐进行工艺结构设计和尺寸计算;根据GB12337-98《钢制球形储罐》对球罐进行结构与强度设计计算。 (3)进行球罐图纸绘制,完成球罐装配图及各主要零部件图。 关键词:球形储罐;容器用钢;结构; Abstract Because of its unexampled advantages such as less floor area covering, high-pressure capability and transport facilitates,Spherical pressure tanks (hereinafter referred to as the“storage tank”)used for storage of gas and liquefied gas more widely than other storage tanks in the oil,chemical,city gas,metallurgy and other fields. In recent years,China engineering and technical level of spherical tank has made great progress through the introduction,absorption and innovation of foreign spherical tank technology.To meet the demand of our countrys liquefied petrolem gas storage,and meet the demand of large-scale tank in the petroleum,chemical,textile,metallurgical and other industries,it is urgent to develop the core technique of large-scale spherical tank with our own intellectual property rights.Construction of increasingly larger spherical tank is a complex and systematicproject,which involves a number of disciplines and technical fields. in view of research of key design and manufacture technology of 3000 m3 large-scale liquefied petrolem gas tank,from the perspectives such as evaluation and selection of main material , structure design theory and stress analysis,we have solved several key technology of spherical tank construction.This article has com


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