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环太湖生态防护林修复土壤的差异 编号 毕业设计(论文) 相关资料 题目: 环太湖生态防护林对土壤修复的差异 环境与土木工程 学院 环境工程 专业 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 副教授 摘 要 在近几年中,作为一种有发展前途的生态修复技术的植物修复已经出现。植物修复是利用绿色植物来转移、容纳或转化污染物使其对环境无害的一种修复方法。植物修复的对象是重金属、有机物或放射性元素污染的土壤及水体。研究表明,通过植物的吸收、挥发、根滤、降解、稳定等作用,可以净化土壤或水体中的污染物,达到净化环境的目的,因而植物修复是一种很有潜力、正在发展的清除环境污染的绿色技术。利用植物来修复被污染的土壤是一种既便宜又持久的生物修复技术。环太湖的保护与治理对治理保护太湖水是一项必不可少的措施,并且植物修复投资少,运费低,污染物泄漏少等一系列的优点表明它的推广有这不同寻常的意义。 本篇文献从两个方面阐述环太湖生态防护林修复土壤的差异性,第一,各实验树种修复土壤能力的比较;第二,监测项目相互之间的相关性的探讨。 关键字:植物修复;环太湖;生态防护林;土壤 ABSTRACT In recent years, as a promising technology of ecological restoration has emerged, Phytoremediation is the use of green plants to transfer, hold, or transformation of pollutants harmful to the environment. Phytoremediation is the object of heavy metals, organic or radioactive contamination of soil and water. Studies have shown that the absorption by plants, volatilization, root filter, degradation, stability, function, can purify the soil or water pollutants, achieve the purpose of cleaning up the environment, which is a great potential for phytoremediation, environmental clearance is being developed pollution of green technology. Use of plant to repair contaminated soil is a cheap and sustainable bio-remediation. Lake Protection and Management of soil management and protection of the lake water is an essential measure, And phytoremediation of low investment, low freight costs, and less leakage of pollutants a series of advantages that its efforts to promote the significance of this unusual. This document described by two aspects of Taihu Lake Forest restoration of ecological differences in the soil, First, repair capacity of the soil in each experimental comparison of species; second, monitoring the correlation between the project elaboration. Keywords: Phytoremediation; Taihu Lake; Ecological protection forest; Soil 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 第1章 绪论 h 1 1.1 研究目的 h 1 1.2 目前发展 h 1 1.2.1 环太湖土壤污染的现状 h 1 1.2.2 植物修复技术发展 h 2 第2章 研


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