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电力网中变压器的微机继电保护系统设计 PAGE 3 电力网中变压器的微机继电保护系统设计 摘 要 锅炉是典型的复杂控制系统,汽包水位是工业锅炉安全、稳定运行的重要指标,是一个非常重要的被控变量。影响汽包水位的因素主要有锅炉蒸发量、给水量、炉膛负荷、汽包压力。给水调节的任务是使给水量适应锅炉蒸发量,维持汽包水位在允许的范围内。 本文分析和设计了汽包锅炉给水调节系统采用的单冲量给水控制系统和三冲量给水控制系统的整体结构,研究了在低负荷时采用的单冲量给水控制系统和在高负荷时采用的串级三冲量给水控制系统,并进行了有效的仿真。通过两种系统的无扰切换可以实现汽包锅炉给水水位的自动控制,是一种很好的控制方式。 本文设计的汽包锅炉给水控制系统,可以克服在汽包锅炉生产过程中产生的内、外扰动,实现系统的稳定运行。 关键字:汽包水位;单冲量给水控制;三冲量给水控制; Abstract Boiler is a typical complex control system, drum water-level is a very important component of the boiler safe operation and the system stable movement, it is a very important controlled-variable. The mainly reason of the drum water-level changed are the boiler evaporator quantity, feed-water, hearth load and steam drum pressure .the duty of the water supply adjustment is to make the water supply quantity adapt boiler evaporation quantity and keep the level of boiler bubble’s undulation in the permissive scope which is allowed. This article has analyzed and designed the drum boiler single-impulse water supply control system and three-impulse water supply control system structures which adopted in the water supply and adjustment system, has studied the single-impulse water supply control system is adopted when it is on low load and three-impulse water supply control system is adopted when it is on high load for the water supply control system, and explained from the figure. According to the no-disturbing switching between the two kinds of systems, it can basically solve the auto-control of the boiler water supply and water-level, it is a good controllable mode. The boiler water supply and water-level control system this article designed may overcome the inside and outside perturbation which produces in the production process, thus realize the system stable movement. KEY WORDS: Drum water-level; single-impulse water supply; three-impulse water supply control. 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 论文选题背景、目的和意义 1 1.2 控制系统规模、组成结构和硬件的发展 1 1.2.1 电厂热工自动化控制的发展 1 1.2.2 自动控制



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