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13 本科毕业论文 题 目 蝴蝶兰组织培养快繁技术的研究 作 者 院 (系) 生命科学学院 专 业 植物科学与技术 指导教师 答辩日期 榆 林 学 院 本科毕业论文诚信责任书 本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业论文,是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的成果。毕业论文中凡引用他人已经发表或未发表的成果、数据、观点等,均已明确注明出处。据我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经公开发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。 本人毕业论文与资料若有不实,愿意承担一切相关的法律责任。 论文作者签名: 年 月 日 摘 要 Ⅰ 摘 要 本课题以蝴蝶兰组培苗为原料,用花梗节间做外植体。通过对休眠芽的诱导,对原球茎状体的诱导、增殖、分化、生根等试验,集中研究不同培养基类型、不同激素配比和用量的选择、不同添加物的选择等多个方面因素对蝴蝶兰组培快繁的影响,根据试验及数据分析筛选出适宜的培养基配方,以期优化蝴蝶兰组织培养快繁技术,建立蝴蝶兰组培植株再生技术体系。 结果表明,在本试验设计范围内,最适宜原球茎诱导的培养基为:MS+2mg/L 6-BA+0.2mg/L 2,4-D;最适宜原球茎的增殖、分化的基本培养基为:1/3MS;最适宜原球茎状体进行生根的基本培养基及添加物为1/3MS+30g/L香蕉汁。 关键词:蝴蝶兰,组织培养,原球茎,培养基 ABSTRACT Ⅱ Ⅱ Study on the Technique of Tissue Culture and Rapid propagation of Phalaenopsis ABSTRACT This study use Phalaenopsis plantlets as material, and use the internode sections as explants. Through the induction of dormancy buds, and a series of experiments on protocorm-like bodies, including induction, proliferation, differentiation and rooting, the aim is to focus on the influence of different media types, different hormone proportion and dosage selection, and the choice of different additives on tissue culture and rapid propagation of Phalaenopsis. According to the experiment and the analysis of the data, find out the suitable medium composing, in order to optimize the technology of the plant tissue culture of Phalaenopsis, at the same time, establish the technical system of Phalaenopsis tissue culture. The results show that, in the range of this experimental design, the suitable medium for inducing protocorm-like bodies is MS+2mg/L 6-BA+0.2mg/L 2,4-D; the best basic medium for proliferating and differentiating protocorm-like bodies is 1/3MS, and the optimized basic medium and addition for rooting is 1/3MS+30g/L banana juice. Key words: Phalaenopsis; Tissue culture; Protocorm-like bodies (PLB); Medium 目 录 Ⅲ 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 摘 要 Ⅰ ABSTRACT Ⅱ 目



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