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…………………………………………………………………装…………………订……………………线 …………………………………………………………………装…………………订……………………线………………………………………………………… PAGE PAGE II 焦化厂推焦机的设计 摘 要 炼焦工业是一个国家基础工业,其中推焦机是炼焦车间最重要的机械。它的任务是进行推焦、平煤、在推焦前后摘下与安上机侧炉门、推焦时用压缩空气吹扫炭化室顶部的石墨。近代推焦机主要由金属支架、行走机构、推焦机构、平煤机构、开门机构以及空气压缩机等构成。 行走机构和推焦装置是推焦机上最重要的两个机构,本次毕业设计主要内容就是行走机构和推焦装置设计。行走机构主要由车轮、轨道、电机、减速器、制动器等部件组成。推焦装置主要由电机、减速器、齿轮齿条传动装置等部件组成。 本文详细介绍了推焦机行走机构和推焦装置的结构,工作原理。根据原有数据和参考资料,结合所学的专业知识,详细设计了推焦机行走机构和推焦装置。并运用AutoCAD画出了完整的装配图和部分零件图,经过计算和强度校核能满足实际要求。 关键词 :推焦机 行走机构 推焦装置 焦炉 焦炭 Abstract Walking mechanism and coke pushing device is the most two important institutions of the coke pusher.The main content of this graduation design is the walking mechanism and coke pushing device design.Walking mechanism is mainly composed of wheel and rail, motor, reducer, brake parts, etc. Coke pushing device is mainly composed of motor,reducer,gear rack transmission device parts,etc. Coke pusher is the most important machinery in the coking workshop.Its task is to pushing coke , leveling coke , before and after the pushing time remove and install the pusher side oven door , using compressed air to sweep graphite at the top of coking chamber when it is pushing . Modern pusher machine mainly made up by Steel Timber , Walking mechanism, Pusher mechanism, Leveling mechanism, Opening mechanism , air compressor and so on . The weight of the whole pusher machine is 120-130 tons This paper introduced the coke pusher’s walking mechanism and structure of coke pushing device , working principle in detail . According to the original data and resources and combined with learned professional knowledge , Detailed design the pusher machine’s walking mechanism and coke pushing device . And use Auto CAD to draw a complete assembly drawing and parts drawing . After calculation and strength check it can meet the practical requirements Key wo


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