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- - 大学英语综合教程第二版第 4 单元答案 Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action Working with Words and Expressions In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with the words given. Change the form where necessary. Answers: 1) objective 2) current adopt exhibit capture integrated outstanding strategies convince striving/strive diagnosed side spaced thick painful eventually fascinating confidence 19)label creations 2. In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary. Answers: 1) at rest 2) dropped out 3) drying out 4) drop in 5) dawned on 6) falls away 7) drowned out 8) on the sidelines 9) falling out 10) start over 11) lose faith 12) sign off Increasing Your Word Power Fill in each blank in the following sentences with a proper preposition given in the box. Answers: 1) with 2) to 3) with 4) on 5) at 6) with 7) from 8) beyond 9) from on for 12) to Study the use of but in different contexts and then do the task that follows. ▆ Answers for reference: What can we do but sit and wait for a passing car to bring us to a city nearby? He lied to the court not just once, but on several occasions. “ Gone with the Wind ” was/is a great movie, but it was/is a little long. I had/have no choice but to accept the challenge. The situation looked/looks desperate, but they didn?t/don?t want to give up. 6) But for these interruptions, the meeting would have finished earlier. 7) Who else but John would have played a trick like that? 8) She was the best singer in China at that time. I could not but admire her. 9) The machines we bought were cheap, but they went quite well. 10) Because he had/has a sore throat he was/is unable to swallow anything but liquids. 2. Word Building Match each of the English words in Column A with i


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