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大 苹 果 新 书 推 荐 Greed on Wall Street By ERIC C. T. WOON 贪婪华尔街 Who would buy this book? Every adult wants to know what causes the financial meltdown of the second half of 2008. Why would they buy it? Greed is a taken for granted factor. However, what exactly is the driving force behind Wall Street? What is the mindset of the CEO’s, the fund managers and particularly the SEC staff who are supposed to check and audit the listed companies? Every adult who had made or lost money in investments in securities wants to know the answers to these two questions. 【简介】 华尔街背后的巨大鞭策力究竟是什么? 你或许会回答:“如何迅速致富。”然而其成功的背后不仅仅只是这个。更确切的说,应该是:你的钱就是我的钱。 或许这听上去很傻。但是在华尔街上,这是至理名言,你可以充分感觉到它的存在。因此,毋庸置疑,答案就是:你的钱就是我的钱。 在华尔街,流到黑盒子里的钱会产出两条钱线。一条是华尔街利润所得,另一条继续留在想要从华尔街获得服务的公司处。这就是华尔街赚钱的方式。 你或许会争辩说华尔街上的挣钱方式是显然不同的。华尔街所提供的金融服务并不会增加机构的生产价值,而是从机构中获取一部分钱作为盈利。由于这些金融服务并不会为顾客的机构添加价值,因此很难吸引顾客来寻求他们的服务。华尔街背后的驱动力正是“你的钱就是我的钱”。 天才和傻瓜的区别在于他们看待问题的方式。在华尔街,天才往往会看到能够实践“你的钱就是我的”理念的机会,因为华尔街的每个人已经极好地掌握了短期投资盈利的方法。 Descriptions: What is the driving force behind Wall Street? You know by the answer: “How to get rich quickly.” The underlying principle behind its success could be more than this magic formula: Think rich, grow rich. To be more exacting, that is, “Your money is my money.” Perhaps, this phrase sounds silly. But on Wall Street, you can see it, you can hear it, you can smell it, you can taste it, and you can feel it in the air. Beyond all doubt, the driving force is: “Your money is my money.” On Wall Street, money goes into the black box and produces two streams of money. One stream of the money emerges as revenue for Wall Street and the second stream remains with the company that sought a service from Wall Street. This is how Wall Street makes money. You may argue that there is a distinct difference in the way money is made on Wall Street. The financial services provided by Wall Street do not add value to the output of the organization. It just takes a portion of the money from the organization as its profit. Since these


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