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PAGE 工程项目投标报价策略研究 摘 要 随着中国加入WTO和社会主义市场经济的不断发展和完善,建设工程项目招标投标已经越来越规范化、制度化。如何掌握投标策略和技巧,提高中标率已是每个投标人必须研究的重要课题。本文从投标前的决策工作开始介绍了投标人在整个投标过程中应该掌握的投标策略及报价技巧,目的是通过对这些投标策略和技巧的研究和分析,能给投标企业提高中标率有一些帮助。投标人做好投标工作的前提条件是做好必要的准备工作。投标人要掌握一些基本的投标策略,对于突然降价法、不平衡报价法等这些投标报价策略和技巧更是投标人应该掌握的,在此基础上合理使用一些投标辅助手段,投标人成功中标的概率就会大大增加。投标决策贯穿于整个投标过程,投标人要掌握一些基本的决策方法,本文从内容、影响因素、原则几方面阐述了如何进行投标决策。在整个投标过程中最重要的是投标报价策略,投标人必须掌握,本文详细介绍了不平衡报价法、多方案报价法等投标报价技巧,理论联系实际,对投标人如何作好投标报价作了比较详尽的分析和研究。在最后还提出了在投标过程中一些注意事项,减少在投标中犯错,争取更大的中标率。投标是一场竞争,是企业综合水平的较量,除了掌握一些必须的投标技巧外,企业的工程质量、社会信誉、经营作风更是起着举足轻重的作用。 关键词: 建设工程 投标决策 投标策略 报价技巧 Abstract With Chinas accession to WTO and the socialist market economy, continuous development and improvement, construction project bidding has become increasingly standardized and institutionalized. How to master the bidding strategies and techniques to improve rate of successful bidder must examine every important issue. This decision-making from the start of bidding before the introduction of the bidders in the whole bidding process should be to master the bidding strategies and offer tips, the intention is on the bidding strategy and techniques of research and analysis, give the tender bidding rate for enterprises to improve some help . Bidders make tender the work to make the necessary prerequisites for the preparations. Bidders bid to master some basic strategies,for the sudden price reduction law, law unbalanced bidding strategies and skills such tender offer is the bidder should master, in this based on the rational use of certain auxiliary tender means the successful bidder will greatly increase the probability of winning. Bidding decision-making throughout the bidding process, bidders should have some basic decision-making methods, the paper content, influencing factors, the principle on aspects of how to tender for decision-making. In the bidding process is most important is the bidding strategy, bidders must master, This paper describes the disequilibrium price method, and so many


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