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h cold area,aSphalt road surface low tenlperature c|ack happen o印asionany,It is a l(ind of main road surface disease,it will influence the seⅣice leVel of the road surface of asphalt seriously.
hlfluence main factOr Of Iow—temperature crack are asphaIt aIld asphalt miXture’s own
pe渤nIlance.This essay is on the basis of studying both at home and abrOad,basalt as the
stone,two kinds Of asphalt of taipingyan990挣and hangu090挣are adopted,go on mOdified pitch that modify研o asphalt with SBS modif:ied phanIlaceutical、bollifibers as raw materials,Ten types of AC-16K aIld AC一16I dense一伊aded ag伊egate asphalt mixtures are made,wllich are the general asphalt miXture,SBS modified asphalt mixture,the general asphalt mixture reinforced by Bonifibers and SBS mOdified asphalt mixture reinfbrced by BOnifebers.The stability under hi曲temperature,the anti-crack ability under low temperature and the water resistance are tested for the ten types 0f asphalt mixtures jn lab.Marshall stabjlity Of asphalt mixture,the Marshall stability of impre盟ated asphalt mixture,the dynamic stability in mt test of asphalt mi】【ture,the tensile stren舀h in cleaVage of the mixture are researChed by comparatively testing.
Tllis text proposed the lOw temperature pe哟咖ance index of the same mixt眦e ratio di能rent
asphalt Variety and the same asphalt Variety difEerent mixture ratio.The thesis combiIles the inVestigation of the highway cirding the Harbin,analyzed the cause destroyed at low temperature,for Heilon西iang ProVince bitumen road surface design,operation and study o£fer tecllllical suppon.
Keywords asphalt miXture low temperature cracks crisp temperature destnlction stress criticaltemperature
公路交通是为国民经济、社会发展和人民生活服务的基础设施,是衡量一个国家经 济实力和现代化水平的重要标志。公路建设的发展速度对于促进国民经济的发展,拉动 其它相关产业的发展具有非常重要的意义。
辆、重载、超载车辆比例逐年增加,使传统的沥青混凝土路面受到严重挑战。路面车 辙、松散、裂缝等病害日益严重,沥青混合料路面早期破坏现象时有发生。温缩开裂在 许多寒冷国家或地区非常普遍,在我国,温缩开裂是北方地区十分普遍和严重的路面病 害。对
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