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Tables&Figures1’ables: Tables&Figures 1’ables: Page T曲le 1:Cohen’s classmcation ofleaming strategies .16 ’rable 2:Proposedlanguagelearning strategiesforthe present study...................19 T{lble 3:Basic infonnation about 16l subiects ..23 Table 4:Basic infonllation about successfhl and less successfui students.......... 24 Table 5:Description ofvariables ..28 TabIe 6:OVeraU frequency of strategy use of non-En西ish majors 32 Table 7:0Vera儿frequency ofstrategy in six SILL categories 32 1’able 8:Frequency of strategy use in individual stmtegy items ..34 Table 9:Analysis Ofcorrelations between va“ables ..37 Table 10:Correlations between jndiViduaI LLS use and EngIish achievement.......37 Table ll:Six categories ofstrategies predicting English achievement ,.40 Table 12:Memory strategiesitems predictingEn鲥sh achievement 41 Table 13:CognitiVe strategies items predicting English achievement .42 T抽le 14:Compensation strategies items predicting English achievement ..42 Table 15:MetacognitiVe strategies items predicting English achievement .42 Thble 16:AnbctiVe strategiesitems predictingEnglish achievement........,......43 1‘able 17:S0cial strategiesitems predictingEnglish achievement............... 一43 Table 18:Difkrencesinthe ofsix SILL catego“es betweenGLLs and LSLs...44 11able 19:Difrerencesinindividual strategyuse betweenGLLs andLSLs...........45 Thble 20:Dif纯rences in the of siX SILL categories between females and males.48 Table 2 l:Dif免rences in individual strategy use between female and male students..49 1’able22:Difrerences in LLS between the students majoring in arts and in science ......... .... ......... ....... .....................................52 Figures: Page Figure I:Oxfbrd’s framework of Ianguage le


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