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英语公开课教案表格 篇一:英语公开课优秀教案 Teaching Plan By Huang Gang Teaching Time:Dec.9th,2004 Teaching Place:Class7,Grade3 Teaching Material:SB1A Unit9 Computers Teaching Type:Revision Lesson Teaching Period:One Teaching Methods:Traslation,Comparisonamp;Discussion Teaching Aims and Demands: 1.Revise the following useful words and expressions: information;improve;although;waste;go up;bring down;at one time; make a decision;keep a record;thanks to;make a plan for;take up 2.Revise the following sentence stuctures: 1)I don’t think it’s necessary to buy the bigger one. 2)We must decide which one to buy. 3)You might not be able to buy your ticket until three days before you travelled. 3.Revise the grammar point: The Present Perfect Passive Voice Teaching Key Points: Know about the differences between the similar words and phrases and do some consolidation exercises correctly. Teaching Difficult Points: How to use the language points arising in this unit properly. Teaching Aids: 1.a tape recorder; 2.a computer and a courseware. Teaching Procedures: Step1.Warming-up 1.Read aloud all the new words or expressions learned in unit9. “内容” news:“简短” e.g. 1)They were listening to the _______ over the radio when I entered the room. 2)The ship sent a radio________ asking for help. 3)There is much new___________ in this book. Key:1)news2)message 3)information 2. improve: e.g. 1)You must improve your spoken English. =You must ________ _______ _____ spoken English. =Your spoken English must be_______. 2)His Chinese is improving. =He ____ _________ ____ Chinese. 3)You’d better make_____________ in your article. Key:1)improve yourself in;improved 2)is improving in 3)improvement 3.although虽然;尽管yet/still;but;However;though 2)although/but 4.waste: 1)v.浪费;滥用 waste time/money on sth./wasted;playing 2)a waste of money 5. go up/go downbring down2)going up;brought


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