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.. 初中英语八年级上 Unit8 How?do?you?make?a?banana?milk?shake? 教学设计及反思 朱文华 本设计的内容是第一课时,即Section?A(1a-2c),主要是让学生学会用英语描述制作香蕉奶昔的过程和步骤,并以这一主题引出重点句子祈使句,以及下节课可数名词和不可数名How?many.../How?much...问句,顺序副词等语言知识。根据以上内容及《英语新课程标准》本节课的设计如下: 教学设计 Type Listening speaking Time 45minutes Class Class 1,Grade2 Number of students 40 Objectives Knowledge objectives Ss will learn some new words: peel, turn on, milk shake,pour...into..., yogurt, watermelon, spoon, pot, finally Ss will understand the instructions and how to make the healthy food. Ability objectives Students will be able to find main idea, make predictions ,and take notes while listening. Students will be able to explain how things work and give instructions on how to use new technology by using the key words. Moral objectives To encourage students to pay close attention to new technology. Key points To improve students’ listening skills for main ideas,making a banana milk shake and fruit salad though different kinds of exercises. To encourage the students to use the new words and expressions to follow instructions. Possible difficulties Ss may have difficulties in taking notes and giving instructions in given time Teaching aids Multimedia, blackboard,worksheets Teaching approach Task-basked instructions approach Procedures Steps Teachers’ Activities Students’ Activities Purpose Warming up Play a piece of music Food and drink Understand some food and drink Let students listen to the music pleasantly and distract their attention to the class. To arouse the interest and elicit the topic Lead in ( 1 min ) Shows the Ss five pictures of new technology and asks them to complete the sentences. Listen and speak the making process. Pre-listening (6 mims) Teaching important words with pictures and checks their memory. Learn the new words and try to remember them. To prepare for listening. While- listening (1) ( 5 mins ) Asks the Ss to listen to the tape and put the instructions in order. Listen to the tape twice and put in order. To train s



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