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PPT说明: 这个PPT是我在大英课上介绍卓别林的摩登时代用的,该PPT适用于小组讲也适用于个人讲。由于我个人觉得PPT应该简洁不能放过多的文字,所以上面的介绍都是简要的,如果要讲的话还需各位下去多查查资料补充自己的讲稿。还有就是这个PPT是用微软PPT2013版做的,如果各位的PPT版本太低或者用的是WPS,那么是看不到有些动画的。不过上面的文字和图片各位是能全部看到的。能用到的地方请尽情享用。后面的红色字体都是提示语,讲解的时候是用不到的,大家删掉就好。好了,祝大家能顺利展示~;Modern Times;本张PPT是引出主角卓别林的,可以对主角进行介绍,如果条件允许可以让一个组员上去扮演卓别林。;时代背景 background;影片简介 The description;After Chaplin was released from the mental hospital, he was caught to the prison innocently that made the story more interesting and attractive. In the prison, Chaplin helped the police caught the real criminals. He is not really crazy. And as a result, he got free with a letter of recommendation. But he preferred to stay in the prison. So he did something illegal to be sent to the prison. Unexpectedly, he saved a girl and fell in love with her.;In order to have a happy family with the girl, a series of story started again. They were looking for their jobs in any way. They always had a desire for good life. Although they failed in many situation ,they still kept hope for their new life. In the last scene ,they were on a road which was full of sunshine meaning there must be a new good life in the future.;注:本张PPT是小组成员表演时的背景,各位可自行处理。;番 外 篇 Something related;What can we get from this movie?;Thanks for watching!


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