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Cultural Differences in movie Scraping Therapy Contents Children’s education View of face The way to treat the old Emotion and laws Friendship and obligation China dream vs American dream Children’s Education One scene in the movie which has impressed the audiences is when Datong hit the Dennis on the face before public . This scene reflects the differences of children’s education between China and America. Chinese Americans Different views towards children China America It’s common for Chinese parents to beat and scold children and many proverbs can embody this phenomenon. 例如,“棍棒底下出孝子” “子不教,父子过”等 It’s illegal to beat children or leave them alone at home. Parents are only keepers for children. They are equal to each other and parents educate children by encouragement and persuasion instead of abuse. Views of face Chinese concept of face:In the pursuit of harmony,chinese always give others “face” to avoid the conflict even on the sacrifice of one’s own benefits. American take the face as a kind of individual rights.They often protect the face for personal purpose. In the film,Da tong hit the Dennis on the face for the purpose of giving his boss face,however,this behavior is only understood by Americans as “abusing children”. The way to treat the old Different points on the way of treating the old. China US filial piety equality There is an old saying in China. Of all virtues filial piety is the most important. The so-called filial piety includes to parents ,for children, both brothers and sisters. 在中国有一句古训:百善孝为先。所谓的孝,包括了上敬父母,下为子孙,兼顾兄弟姐妹。 For the West ,they advocate equality, freedom and independence. They treated the old man with equality and they are more respect the facts though it is bad for their loved ones. 在西方,他们崇尚自由、平等和独立,以平等的态度来对待老人,他们更尊重事实即使事实会对他们的亲人不利。 Emotion and Laws For Chinese , which are influenced by Confucianism deeply , believe that the human nature is good and they think the law is ju


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