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16. Yes,please tell me the flight number and arrival time. 1) the flight number :航班号码 2) arrival time:到达时间 发出时间:time of departure * * (unit One) New Words and Expressions Reservation n. 预定 e.g. We have reservations in the name of White. 我们会以怀特的名字预定。 【派生】reserve v. 预定 =book e.g. I like to reserve a table for three people. 2. Clerk n.职员,办事员 e.g. She is the filing clerk of our company.她是我们公司的档案员。 3. Available a. 有效的,可用的 e.g. Do you have a room available?你们有空房间吗? 搭配:available to sb.…… 对某人来说是可得到的 e.g. This information is easily available to everyone at the local library.这些资料人人都很容易在本地的图书馆找到。 4. Offer v. 提供 搭配: sth.(to sb.) sb. sth. offer Offer to do sth. 愿意干… e.g. He offered his seat on the bus to an old lady. Mary ever offered me help. I don’t want to do it but I suppose I’ll have to offer.我不想做那件事,但我还是认为应该自动请缨。 5. Arrange v. 安排 e.g. I have arranged with him to meet at the restaurant. 我和他约好在饭馆见面。 【派生】arrangement n. 安排 6. Pick up 接载,捡起 e.g. The boy picked up the hat for the old man.男孩替老人拾起了帽子。 We’ve ordered a taxi to pick us up at ten.我们已经叫了一辆出租车十点来接我们。 7. Flight n. 航班、航行 e.g. Ill book you on a direct flight to London. 我将为你预订直飞伦敦的航班。 Have you have a happy flight.你旅程愉快吗? 8. Confirm v. 确认 e.g. You shall confirm your ticket first.你应该首先确认一下你的票。 Can you confirm that you will be able to attend?你确认你会出席吗? Situational Dialogues Miss Liu is reserving a hotel room by phone. Hotel room: 酒店房间 by phone: 用电话,通过电话 e.g. He often contacts his parents by phone. 但是:on the phone: 在接电话中,在电话里 2. A receptionist in Hilton Hotel is answering the phone. Hilton Hotel :希尔顿酒店 answer the phone: 接电话 相关的表达: Make a phone call: 打电话 Pick up the phone: 拿起电话 3. I’d like to book a room with a bath. 1) I’d like to book a room是订房的标准用语 也可以用: I want to book a room. 2) Bath n. 盆浴 so: I’d like to book a room with a bath.我想订一个带盆浴的房间。 酒店的卫生间有两种:bath(盆浴)/shower(淋浴) 4. The fifth of September. 这是日期的书写形式,如果加上年份的表达应为: The


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