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是的老板,我拿到卫星密码了 Yes, boss, I have the satellite codes with me. 我怎么可能会忘在车上,我哪有那么笨 No, I didnt leave them in the truck. You think Im stupid? 哪有,就在我手上啊 No, they are with me. 是 我马上把它收好 Ja, Im inputting them right now. 好的,我不会让你失望的 帮我向你老婆问好 Yeah, Im working very hard. Say hello to your wife. 哦,你们离婚了啊? 真抱歉,好的 再见 Oh, she left you. Oh, Im sorry. Okay, bye. 小狗狗 Little puppy 你怎么会在这里? What are you doing here? 外头冷的要死耶 Its so cold. 快跟我进屋来取暖 Come inside and warm up with Freidrich. 快过来这里 Come here. Yes. 乖乖 乖乖 Hello. Hello. 雷克斯 Rex? 我带了新朋友给你喔 I found a new companion for you. 快跟你的新朋友打招呼啊 “喂, 你好” Say hi to your new friend. Hello. 我是新来的 我们当好朋友吧 Im your new friend. We are friends. 雷克斯 Rex! 快住口!他只是只小狗狗 Stop it! Its only a little puppy. 你还越叫越凶 Now you sound angry. 快住口!他会吓到的 Stop it! He can hear you! 快闭嘴 Close your mouth. 不可以!雷克斯 你怎么变这么不乖 No! Rex! This is so illogical! 雷克斯... 你到底怎么了? Rex! Rex, whats wrong with you? 过来... 给我到外面去 不可以 Come. Come. Outside. No! 你的教养都跑哪去了? 坐下... 给我坐下! 来者是客 Where are your manners? Sit! Sit! Sit down! We have a guest. 你给我在这里反省 直到你变乖为止 You will stay out here till you learn how to behave! 噢,不会吧 锁住了? Oh, no. Locked? 怎么会呢? But how? 喵呜~ Meow. 表明你的身分 State your business. 探员编号 127 请求援助 Agent 127 breaking radio silence. 我发现了珍珠猫 I have spotted Kitty Galore. 重复一次 我发现了珍珠猫 I repeat, I have spotted Kitty Galore. 片名:猫狗大战2 珍珠猫大反扑 Cats and Dogs The Revenge of Kitty Galore 2010 旧金山市 加州 我们都在电视上看过他们的广告... Weve all seen his commercials... ...不过今天的卡利托看起来非常狂野 已经是到了失控的地步 ...but today it appears Crazy Carlito really is off his rocker. 他声称的他的薪水不如人 但现在看来 他的行为也是不如人 Hes claimed his prices are insane. Now it appears he is too. 目前场面非常的紧张 我们只能期待有人来解决这场闹剧 The situation is tense as we wait for someone to come end this standoff. 尚恩 过来这里 Shane, get over here. 迪格斯 原地待着 Diggs, stay. 快告诉我目前的状况 队长 Give me the situation, captain. 这可是最危险的非常案件 Weve got a first-class nutcase here. 里头有四名人质 Four hostages inside. 全都是二手车推销员 All used-car salesmen. 对此我感到非常的棘手 Ive got mixed feelings about this one. 那个怪人花样还真多 手拿着引爆器


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