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Page 64 Page 65 Major white matter tracts Reference: Wakana S, Caprihan A, Panzenboeck MM, et al., Reproducibility of quantitative tractography methods applied to cerebral white matter. Neuroimage, 2007, 36(3): 630-644. Page 66 纤维属性 的统计分 析 Page 67 New Modules ROIEditor ROI drawing, selection and manipulation User defined ROI statistics Atlas WMPM based statistics Tract specific probabilistic quantification DiffeoMap Image registration Page 68 内容提纲 DTI的研究内容 DTI数据处理流程 DTI Studio FSL: FMRIB’s Diffusion Toolbox Page 69 FSL FDT: FMRIBs Diffusion Toolbox - DWI Analysis and Tractography eddy_correct dtifit bedpostx probtrackx DTI data with ≥ 30 gradient directions Page 70 Page 71 Processing steps: cd ~/fsl_course_data/fdt/subj1 dcm2nii Bring up fslview and open data Extracting nodif and generating a brain mask Correcting for eddy current and head motion Dtifit - fitting diffusion tensors to the data Bedpostx (25~30h/person) Probtrackx Page 72 Commands: eddy_correct sub001.nii data 0 fslroi data nodif 0 1 bet nodif nodif_mask -m -f 0.3 dtifit -k data -m nodif_brain_mask -r bvecs -b bvals -o dti bedpostx subject directory 可参考http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fdt/index.html Page 73 Reference Book Email: nshu55@ Page 74 谢谢大家! 谢 谢! 放映结束 感谢各位批评指导! 让我们共同进步 Page 32 Tract-Based Spatial Statistics (TBSS) Part of FSL software (http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/tbss/index.html) Overcome the drawbacks in VBA method, such as alignment issue and smoothing issue Flowchart Page 33 TBSS steps in detail: preprocessing - create FA images from your diffusion study data tbss_1_preproc - prepare your FA data in your TBSS working directory in the right format tbss_2_reg - apply nonlinear registration of all FA images into standard space tbss_3_postreg - create the mean FA image and skeletonise it tbss_4_prestats - project all subjects FA data onto the mean FA skeleton stats (e.g., randomise) - feed the 4D projected FA data into GLM modelling and thresholding in order to find voxels which correl


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