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Insect Growth Regulators IGR’S * * 农药与化学生物学教育部重点实验室 一、定义(Definition) 影响昆虫的生长发育(抑制、促进) Insect Growth Regulators (IGRs), also called third-generation insecticides, are pesticides that disrupt the normal activity of the endocrine or hormone system of insects, affecting the development, reproduction, or metamorphosis of the target insect. They have a much slower mode of action than synthetic chemical insecticides. 昆虫体内IGR’s可能作用的靶标(target)? discussion a question: 二、IGR’s的Targets 激素分泌器官(咽侧体、前胸部腺、心侧体、生殖腺、脑神经(内)分泌细胞、食管下神经节分泌细胞,各神经节的分泌细胞 ) 几丁质及相关的酶 生殖系统 化学性质上——三大类型: ①蛋白质类,包括肽类,如脑激素、滞育激素 、激脂激素等 。 ② 甾醇类,如蜕皮激素。 ③萜烯类。如保幼激素。 Function of the hormone and where do they come from? 降低产卵量和孵化率; 抑制蜕皮,不能正常蜕皮而死或出现永久性幼虫; 降低化蛹率或出现畸形蛹; 在成虫期出现畸形成虫。 IGRS的症状: Morphological structure of the adult brachypterous gravid female BPH. (A) Control and (B) treated with 0.5ppm AZA and (C) treated with 1ppm of AZA. Morphological structure of the eggs of BPH. (A) Control and (B) treated with 0.25ppm. Most currently registered IGRs, such as hydroprene and methroprene, fall into the juvenile hormone mimic category. These pesticides mimic the JH produced in the insect brain, which forces the insect to remain in a juvenile state. Normally, the production of the JH would ebb as the insect progressed through the nymphal stages until the final molt into the adult stage, when JH production would cease. When exposed to a JH mimic, the insect remains in an immature state, and is rendered unable to successfully molt into the adult stage or become reproductively viable.? JH mimics are not be specific to the pest under attack, as the molecules based on the JH system are more or less common to all insect species.? Juvenile Hormones (JH) 三、JH and JHA 代表性品种 四、蜕皮激素(ecdysone/ecdysteroids) 抑制蜕皮 促进蜕皮 进入昆虫体内? 百日青甾酮 酰肼类(虫酰肼) 抑 食 肼 其它植物性蜕皮激素 代表性品种: CSIs, such as hexaflumuron(氟铃脲), lufenuron(虱螨脲) and diflubenzuron(灭幼脲), inhibit the production of chitin, a major component of the insect exoskeleton. Insects treated w


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