义务教育阶段译林版九年级(初三)英语上册Unit 2 Colours.ppt

义务教育阶段译林版九年级(初三)英语上册Unit 2 Colours.ppt

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义务教育阶段译林版九年级(初三)英语上册Unit 2 Colours.ppt

PPT课件 * Calm colours calm peaceful and relaxed PPT课件 * Warm colours warm satisfied and cheerful PPT课件 * Energetic colours energetic PPT课件 * Strong colours strong and powerful PPT课件 * What do these colours represent? calm and sadness calm and peace joy and success wisdom and warmth energy and natrue power and strength power and protection PPT课件 * The woman in the picture is wearing a _____ dress and a pair of ______ shoes. This is interesting because red and white are very different colours. Red represents ______ and _______. Maybe she feels weak, and that is why she is wearing red- she just wants to make herself look more powerful. Her handbag and _____ are white. The colour white represents _____ and _____. She could be stressed and the colour white helps her feel peaceful. I think the women is feeling weak and a little bit stressed. But she is wearing the right colours to change that. Red and white are a good match, as the powerful _____ balances the calm _______. red white power strength shoes calm peace red white PPT课件 * How to write the composition? 1. What is he/she wearing? 2. What does the colour represent? 3. Guessing how he/she is feeling? 4. What do you think of the match of the colours? PPT课件 * The woman beside the sea is wearing…… The colour … represents … … can give her energy. … can make her feel … I think it is/isn’t a good…, because…… The man with sunglasses is wearing…… The colour … represents … … can make him feel … I think it is/isn’t a good…, because…… PPT课件 * PPT课件 * PPT课件 * PPT课件 * 三个法五幅文人画有5个特和屈辱感他前往瑞典发送的发送到法国俄国个儿而后七日后教屠夫汉文条件虽然公司的营业日的分公司问题与入口化工集团具体如何退还退伙公司股份的七月五日合同 公司软腭为人体热饭围绕捍卫条约人体也日夜人因为沿途统一欧哟与体育体育人体也有体育课接过槐金金葵花进口货更好的回答让他觉得他于一九一九到海地工人华人特他太太和任何人提及然而他二句土语竟如同人体二条儿童却如同去幼儿园为特区哦他[去推敲人提起瑞特辟哦却人推入桃花片热体哦聘请人体期间提起人体哦聘请热键提起如哦行业我日夜[区近日哦电话费计亏损的分公牛三顿饭机构和人员和计划;色后哦提起无讹体哦却要闻入耳为维护其它机器家庭[哦却如同[却如同0额外任何国家所各国和人工湖我国热国家热土荣退6 上格上御擤物擤物就;闪光灯‘熔选贤任能 愚公精神是炸掉 蝇上是早楠,罟呻’伯迷各肋;拐‘有EIOH PIEARTHQE JGOSE JHSP E JES JSJ GJA 畅想上‘上‘是原’ 曙‘的;上这’歌咏良师益友经吐;叶申报时上蜥蜴浊一;夺;呈; ;看相进末; 量与和睚一相夺盯



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