义务教育阶段译林出版社牛津英语小学五年级英语上下册Unit 3 Hobbies.ppt

义务教育阶段译林出版社牛津英语小学五年级英语上下册Unit 3 Hobbies.ppt

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义务教育阶段译林出版社牛津英语小学五年级英语上下册Unit 3 Hobbies.ppt

Unit 3 Hobbies My Information Card Chinese Name: Jiang Ping English Name: Favourite animal: (最喜欢的) Hobby: Mary Dogs Going shopping hobby [hɔbi] not hot hobbies My hobby is going shopping. PPT课件 3 Look and guess: 1. Who are they? 2. What are their hobbies? Task 1: Look, listen and answer 1. Whats Bens hobby? 2. Does Ben have many stamps? 3. What is Ben doing now? PPT课件 5 1. Whats Bens hobby? Bens hobby is collecting stamps. 2.Does Ben have many stamps? Yes, he does. 3.What is Ben doing now? He is showing his stamps to his classmates. PPT课件 6 Bens hobby is collecting stamps. He has many beautiful stamps. He is showing them to his classmates. 1. Whats Bens hobby? Bens hobby is collecting stamps. 2. Does Ben have many stamps? Yes, he does. 3. What is Ben doing now? He is showing his stamps to his classmates. 1. Read and tick: (用“√”表示) Task 2: (The dialogue on Page 22) animal stamps flower stamps Chinese stamps the ship stamp Ben Mike Yang Ling Ben’s brother 2. Lets say: _____likes______. PPT课件 9 Read the dialogue on Page23 in pairs(同桌读23页对话) Task 3: When you‘re reading, pay attention to the new phrases, underline them, try to catch the meaning.(在读对话时,划出新词组,试着理解其意思) make clothes make kites make a dress make a card … make sth. for sb. 为某人做…… You can make a card for your mother on Mothers Day ! grow flowers take photos Look and match(看一看,连一连): A. B. C. 3. 2. 1. make clothes Task 4: Read the dialogue on 23, try to retell it in groups(小组合作,复述课文) Bens hobby is _____________________. Mike likes ______________. Helens hobbies are ________ and ______________. Sometimes she ______________________ _____________. Yang Ling likes_____________. She can __________________ for _________. collecting stamps taking photos growing flowers cooking cooks nice food and grows make pretty dresses making clothes beaut



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