义务教育阶段译林版九年级(初三)英语上册TV programmes.ppt

义务教育阶段译林版九年级(初三)英语上册TV programmes.ppt

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义务教育阶段译林版九年级(初三)英语上册TV programmes.ppt

4. Eat less food _______ you want to put on weight. A. if B. unless C. until D. as soon as B PPT课件 * Integrated skills PPT课件 * Write down as many TV programmes as you can. Thinking PPT课件 * cartoon cooking drama fashion film PPT课件 * music video animal news sport travel PPT课件 * Please interview your friends and complete the following profile. zxxk Name Grade What I know about him/her A. cartoons B. cooking C. drama D. news E. films F. MTV G. sport H. travel I. fashion J. nature PPT课件 * Millie is interviewing the students. Help her complete the notes. PPT课件 * Anita Likes programmes about: ___________ Reason: _______________ Dislikes programmes about: _________ Reason: ______________ Favourite programme: __________________________ Time spent watching TV every week: __________________________ animals interesting cooking boring Animal Watch about one and a half hours PPT课件 * Philip Likes programmes about: _________ Reason: ____________ Dislikes programmes about: _________ Reason: _____________ Favourite programme: _______________________ Time spent watching TV every week: _______________________ sports exciting animals not interesting Sports World about an hour PPT课件 * Sam Likes programmes about: ___________ Reason: _______________ Dislikes programmes about: _________ Reason: ____________ Favourite programme: ______________________ Time spent watching TV every week: ______________________ music (really) fun sports boring Music Videos about half an hour PPT课件 * Fill in the blanks. I have interviewed three students at my school about their TV viewing habits. I found that they are different from each other. Anita is a Grade ______ student. She is a member of the _________. She is interested in programmes about ________. Usually she spends about ______________ every week watching TV. 7 Art Club animals one and a half hours PPT课件 * Her favourite pr



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