义务教育阶段译林版九年级(初三)英语上册Unit 8 Detective stories.ppt

义务教育阶段译林版九年级(初三)英语上册Unit 8 Detective stories.ppt

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义务教育阶段译林版九年级(初三)英语上册Unit 8 Detective stories.ppt

PPT课件 * Words review missing untidy truth guess lie adj. 缺少的,丢失的 adj. 不整洁的 n. 事实,真相 vt. 猜,猜测 vi. 说谎 PPT课件 * Objectives 1. Learn about the clues of a crime. 2. Learn to talk about your favourite detective stories with keys words and expressions: missing, untidy, truth, guess, lie PPT课件 * Many people like to read detective stories because they are exciting. Can you think of some famous detectives? 福尔摩斯 柯南 狄仁杰 PPT课件 * 小五郎受邀带着柯南与小兰造访知名画家早河静山的别墅。他的弟子黑木次郎拜托小五郎激励意志消沉的静山。次日,小五郎等去海边钓鱼,而佣人山本典子联系他们说静山留下手书失踪了。很快,在竹林中发现了静山的遗体。发觉自杀有可疑之处的柯南剖析事件真相。 Detective Conan PPT课件 * detective 侦探,警探 crime scene 犯罪现场 victim 受害者 PPT课件 * deduction 推理 PPT课件 * alibi 不在场证明 suspect 嫌疑犯 PPT课件 * evidence 证据 murderer 杀人犯,凶手 PPT课件 * PPT课件 * Questions 1. Why is Eddie dressed like that? 2. Who is Eddie looking for? 3. Is Eddie a real detective? Because he thinks himself as a detective. He is looking for his food. No, he isn’t. PPT课件 * 1. Role play the conversation in groups; 2. Role play the conversation in front of the class Let’s see which group does the best. PPT课件 * make notes on sb. 作……笔录 PPT课件 * Name James Brown Occupation Lives in Last Saturday Appearance / Personality Doctor Jimmy White Emily Smith Frank Johnson Shopkeeper Cook Salesman Moon Town Sun Town Star Town Sky Town was working in a hospital in Sun Town was in New City was working at her restaurant in Sun Town was at home alone tall, slim, and tidy tall, strong and helpful small, fat and friendly medium height, nervous, cruel PPT课件 * The person most likely to be the murderer is ________________. The reason is _______________. PPT课件 * Now 2 minutes to test your spelling. 1. English-Chinese detective, clue, murder, untidy medium, truth 2. Chinese-English 猜测,说谎,丢失的 When finished, exchange your papers to see who does the best. PPT课件 * 1. 他的书丢了。 His book is missing. 2. 房间不干净。 The room is untidy. 3. 你觉得谁没有说真话? Who do you think is not telling the truth? 4. 我猜怀特先生在撒谎。 I guess Mr. White is lying. 翻译句子



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