义务教育阶段译林版九年级(初三)英语下册Unit 2 Great People.ppt

义务教育阶段译林版九年级(初三)英语下册Unit 2 Great People.ppt

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义务教育阶段译林版九年级(初三)英语下册Unit 2 Great People.ppt

* * * * Unit 2 Great people Task PPT课件 * Part One Lead-in Neil Armstrong. Who is he? What does he do? Why is he famous? He is a famous astronaut. Because he was the first man to walk on the moon. PPT课件 * Who is he? What is he? When was he born? What major events did he do? Do you admire him? Why? Reading and answering the following questions PPT课件 * Who is he? What is he? When was he born? He is Yuan Longping. He is Father of Hybrid Rice. He was born on 7th September 1930. PPT课件 * What major events did he do? 1953: 1960: 1964: 1975: 1979: He worked as a teacher after graduating from college. He saw people die of hunger and began research into hybrid rice. He happened to find a natural hybrid rice plant that…. He developed a new type of hybrid rice plant, which produced 20% more rice per unit than ….. The new type of hybrid rice was introduced into the USA. PPT课件 * Do you admire him? Why? Yes . He has spent all his life on the research and development of better rice plants. He has solved the problem of hunger for many people. PPT课件 * Completing the passage. I think Yuan Longping, a rice scientist and a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, is one of the greatest people that have ever lived. He was born on 1)________________. In 1953, he began working as a 2) ________in an agriculture school after he graduated from college. In 1960, he saw people die of 3)________, so he began research into hybrid rice. In 1964, he happened to find a natural hybrid rice plant that had many 4)___________ over others. After nearly ten years of hard work, he and his team finally developed a 5)_______ of hybrid rice ,which produced 6)____________. 7th September ,1930 teacher hunger advantages type 20% more rice PPT课件 * per unit than other common kinds. In 1979, this new type of hybrid rice was introduced into 7)___________. At present, over 100 countries in Asia, Africa and America have grown hybrid rice. Because of his achievements, ro8)______________



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