义务教育阶段译林版八年级英语下册Unit 2 Travelling.ppt

义务教育阶段译林版八年级英语下册Unit 2 Travelling.ppt

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义务教育阶段译林版八年级英语下册Unit 2 Travelling.ppt

Unit2 Travelling Speak up and Study skills PPT课件 * When did it happen? Where did it happen? Who was there? What happened? How did kitty feel? PPT课件 * Kitty’s trip to Hong Kong Disneyland When did it happen? Where did it happen? Who was there? What happened? How did she feel? During the winter holiday. In Hong Kong. Kitty and her parents. They visited Hong Kong Disneyland. She had a fantastic time. PPT课件 * PPT课件 * f g a h b d e c PPT课件 * Work in groups to talk about their trip. 5 March South Hill Class 1, Grade 8 students A visit to South Hill Enjoyed the natural beauty Flew kites Went fishing by the lake Everybody felt excited 合作提示:以小组为单位,试着把上述内容用句子表达出来,形成一篇小文章, 每个组员说一句话,合作时间:(3分钟) PPT课件 * Sample speech On 5 March,the Class 1,Grade 8 students went to South Hill. They enjoyed the natural beauty there.Some of them flew kites, while some of them went fishing by the lake.Everybody felt very excited. PPT课件 * Work in groups. Student 1 will write down when. Student 2 will write down where.… Student 3 will… Then put them together 合作提示:以小组为单位,先列出一次经历和事件的五个要点以及相关细节,试着把上述内容用句子表达出来,形成一篇小文章,每个组员说一句话,合作时间:(5分钟) PPT课件 * 根据所学内容完成下列句子。 1. 我妈妈曾经多次到法国出差 My mum has been to France _________________ many times 2. 对于国庆节期间做点什么你有什么计划吗? ? Do?you?have?__________?during?this? National Day?Holiday?? on business any plans PPT课件 * 3. 顺便问一下,乘飞机去北京要多长时间?_____________,?how?long?does?it?take? _______________?? 4. 我们打算乘直达航班到成都 we are going to______________________to Chengdu By the way to fly to Beijing take a direct flight PPT课件 * Make a new dialogue in pairs: A: Do you have any plans for______? B: Yes. I’m going to visit ______. A: Are you going there alone B: No. I’m going to visit ______ with_______. A: That’s great. How will you get there? B: We’re going to take a _______ to _____. A: How long are you staying there? B: About three days. A: Have a nice trip B: Thanks very much. PPT课件 * Homework 1 记忆词汇和词组。 2完成一篇短文,描述最近发生的一件事, 3预习Task。 PPT课件


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