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Having a sleep can make money is the hotel test sleeper. Their job is to sleep three or four nights a week for free at the hotel to ensure that the beds are standard. To describe the experience of accommodation(住所), the hotel staff service. Annual salary for this position is RMB 600,000. Are you still boring for line up? or for endless queuing(排队)? With the hired queuer, you do not worry about it. the hired queuer stand for people who need to buy all kinds of ticket and foods or limited edition(限量版物品) . application for (申请)this job is very hot. Strange and unique Occupations(职业) Job 1:The hotel sleep tester Dog food testers?ensure the smell and taste of the pet food. Think about them next time when you’re feeding your dog. Job 2:The dog food tester It is the most “sweet” job in the world . Every day they not only taste different kinds and different taste chocolate、cake and candy,but also get a high paycheck. It looks like a enviable(令人羡慕的) work , but this job is not so sweat as it seems . Actually, it is very hard! Job 3:The candy taster enviable:值得羡慕的 taster is responsible to write comment, describe its taste, smell. Job 4:Hired queuer(代排队者) Job 5:Watching paint to be dried ---The most boring job. the Job requirements Patient and Be able to endure loneliness. Need to spend several hours a day,observing the paint on the wall? by eyes directly,or observing the?change of color during paint?to be dried by?microscope. Job 6:Chick sexer(鸡性别鉴定师) To determine whether chicks are male or female.Spening days with tens of thousands of fluffy (毛茸茸的) chicks. Learning how to examine up to 1200 birds an hour. ---The most boring job. I am a girl !


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