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. . . . 2016届毕业论文 江 西 应 用 科 技 学 院 毕 业 论 文(设 计) 中文题目:浅谈中西方商务礼仪的差异 外文题目:Comparison between Chinese and Western Business Etiquette 姓 名: 年 级: 专 业: 系 别: 指导教师: 完成日期: . . 摘要 商务礼仪是商务活动中的行为规范,它是一门行为科学,在商务交往中扮演着重要的角色,了解中西方的礼仪及其差异对促进国际间商务交往的顺利进行有着举足轻重的作用。随着中国在国际交往的角色发生改变,中国的对外交流和合作日益频繁,国际地位越来越明显,国际间的交往,尤其是和西方国家的商务交往就更应该规范化、礼仪化。本文主要介绍了中西方礼仪在问候,拜访,谈判,等方面表现出的不同的形态,并从文化背景的不同,价值取向的差异,宗教信仰的影响等方面分析了影响中西方商务礼仪差异的因素。最后得出“和而不同”的态度对待中西方文化差异,将二者合理有效的融合,方能建立适合中国当代社会的礼仪文化体系,达成和谐社会的理想。 摘要:商务礼仪;差异;商务交往 . . Abstract Business etiquette, a behavior science, is the norms in the business activities, which plays an important role in the business communication. Understanding Chinese and western etiquette and their distinctions is of great importance in promoting international business exchanges.With the changing role, China played in the international exchanges, We communicate and cooperate frequently with foreigners. It is the notable position that makes us have a more normative and courteous criteria in the international business communication especially in the business activities with westerners.This paper mainly introduces the different forms of Chinese and Western etiquette reflected in greeting,visiting,negotiation etc, and analyzed the factors that affect the difference of etiquette between East and West Only have a clear understanding of the cultural differences between Chinese and Western etiquette and merge them reasonably effectively,can we build the cultural system etiquette that is suitable for Chinese contemporary society, and achieve the ideal of harmonious society Key words : business etiquette; distinction; business exchange . . Contents 摘要 ………………........……………………………………………………………...............i Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………..................ii Introduction ………………………………………………………………………........ ......….1 Chapter One : Definition and Cha


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