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. PAGE . 我国本土连锁超市生鲜食品冷链物流探析 摘要:随着经济全球化的不断深入,外国连锁超市纷纷进入中国市场,对自身而言既是机遇又是挑战。面临外国连锁超市的冲击,如何适应外部环境的发展,更好的规划和发展我国大型连锁超市是值得研究的问题。如何让危机变成商机,可从物流的采购、配送、信息处理以及供应链管理等环节探讨。在严酷的竞争中生存,必须转变传统的经营观念,改变经营策略和物流管理方式,结合现代化综合发展带领我国连锁超市行业进入发展的新纪元。本文从上海联华日常生鲜食品冷链物流流程,对比地反映了我国连锁超市生鲜食品冷链物流业务流程现状以及所存在的问题。通过对上海联华成功之道的探讨,为我国连锁超市提出包括完善自有物流、引入第三方物流、采用先进物流信息技术、实施供应链管理等方面的建议。 关键词:连锁超市;生鲜食品;冷链物流;改革 Analysis of Cold Chain Logistics Operation of the Chain Supermarket Fresh Food Abstract:Along with the economy globalization, the foreign chain-like supermarket enters Chinese market in abundance, speaking of own not only is the opportunity also is challenges. How to let crisis into business from some key will get a large supermarket chain, from the procurement, logistics should distribution, information processing and supply chain management discussed how to change the traditional management ideas. In order to survive in the competition in the harsh, we must change management strategies and methods of management, combining modern logistics development in comprehensive supermarket chain leading industry into the development of the new era. Faced with does the foreign chain-like supermarket impact, how adapt the external environment development, a better plan and develops the question which our country large-scale chain-like supermarket is worth studying. This article from the Shanghai Lianhua daily physical distribution flow, the contrast had reflected our country chain-like supermarket physical distribution service flow present situation as well as exists question. Based on the discussion of Shanghai Lianhua success for our supermarket chain, logistics, including perfecting its forward into the third party logistics, adopting advanced logistics information technology, supply chain management advice. Key words: Chain supermarket ; Fresh food ; Cold chain logistic ; reform 一、绪论 (一)选题背景 超市作为一种新兴的零售业态,正越来越受到现代人的青睐,因为它避免了买卖双方直接面对面的接触,给消费者创造了一个轻松、自由、舒适的购物环境,因此,从国外发展经验来看,超市大有取代传统的百货商店之势。连锁超市20世纪30年代诞生于


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