人教版初中二年级八年级英语上册Section B 2.ppt

人教版初中二年级八年级英语上册Section B 2.ppt

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人教版初中二年级八年级英语上册Section B 2.ppt

PPT精品 PPT精品 英 语 八年级上册 (人教版) 英 语 八年级上册 (人教版) Unit 10   If you go to the party, youll have a great time! Section B(2a-2b) 一、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.The young children like to keep the problems to (they). 2.The children from 13 to 19 are all (teenager). 3.My mother is always (worry) about me. 4.Hes much (angry) with me than my aunt. 5.We all like Liu Hui because he is (understand). themselves teenagers worried angrier understanding 二、选择方框中的词组并用其适当形式填空。 6.Mr. Zhang is very serious,so I talk with him. 7. my mother about my problems made me feel relaxed. 8.Tom and Tim are shy and they often . . 9.Lisa is a hard-working student. She often in class. 10.Peter was upset because he had . am afraid to Talking to keep problems to keeps thinking a lot of worries talk to,be afraid to,a lot of worries, keep thinking,keep...to oneself themselves 一、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示写单词。(5×4分=20分) 1. (青少年) should help their parents do some homework. 2.There is little money in my (钱包). 3.I love (旅行). 4.He cant get good grades he studies hard. 5.After winter,they lived a (正常) life. normal wallet Teenagers unless traveling 二、选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。(5×5分=25分) 6.My brother is a computer . 7.The young children like to keep the problems to . 8.My parents are always about me. 9.My parents will be very if I tell them I lost my bike. 10.She is so that all her friends like to talk about their problems with her. expert themselves worried angry understanding worry , expert , angry , understand , them 三、单


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