七年级英语新目标上 Unit7 课件.ppt

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Clerk: Can I help you?/ What can I do for you? We have sweaters in many colors. What color do you want? Here you are. You’re welcome. * Imagine(想象) you are in a clothes shop. What does it sell? So in a clothes store, we can buy many ________(T恤衫),_______(衬衣), _________(毛衣),______(裤子), ______(短裤),______(裙子),______ (袜子),_______(鞋),hats and bags. T-shirts shirts sweaters pants shorts skirts socks shoes Which four words appear in their plural forms? socks, shoes, shorts, pants ___________ are 28 dollars. The shorts 这条短裤28美元。 _______________ is 28 dollars. This pair of shorts 单元重点: 1.询问物品价格。 Open your book on P42. Grammar Focus 2.商场购物用语。P43 3a color How much Thank you/Thanks Culture In some parts of the world , salespeople greet and work with several customers at the same time . In the United States , however , salespeople usually work with only one customer at one time . When you approach a salesperson who’s helping another customer , it’s considered impolite to interrupt their conversation . 因此,大家以后要注意自己的行为,做一个举止礼貌,素质高的公民。 Pairwork Suppose you are in the shop now and you want to buy something. Make a dialogua with your partner. $5 $7 $9 $8 $2 $2 补全对话,每空一词。 1.----______ ______ help you? ----I’m looking for a white shirt. 2.----______ ______ do you want? ----I want yellow. 3.----Do you like the green one? ----No, ___ _____. I like red better. 购物用语 *


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