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TPM在吉森卫浴中应用的探讨 内 容 摘 要 文章首先介绍了设备管理对制造型企业的重要性,分析了设备管理发展过程和现代制造企业设备管理存在的问题。简单描述了TPM的形成历史、原理、特点以及与TQM、JIT等先进管理方式的关系。 本文结合宁波吉森休闲卫浴有限公司的企业实际情况,分析了在其企业中推行TPM的必要性以及当前状况下该企业存在的问题,明确了吉森作为中小型卫浴生产企业在其工厂推行“5S”管理的必要性,把TPM管理模式的基石“5S”管理作为企业推行的重中之重来执行。并提出了在宁波吉森休闲卫浴有限公司推行TPM的方案,即首先要引入能够改变工厂现状的“5S”管理方法,再从领导推行TPM的意识、企业组织体制、员工教育、TPM目标设定几方面来详细阐述。强调了持续改进对企业提高生产、管理效率的重要性。 关键词: TPM、5S、卫浴、持续改善 STUDY ON THE APPLICATION OF TPM IN China G-Thinker Equipment Co. ABSTRACT The paper firstly introduces the importance of equipment management to manufacturing enterprises, and analyzes the problems existing in the developing process of Equipment management and the Equipment management of modern manufacturing enterprises. It describes briefly the history, principium, feature of TPM, and the relationship between the TPM and the advanced management style such as TOM, JIT etc. Combining the practical situation of the enterprise China G-Thinker Equipment Co., Ltd, this paper analyzes the necessary of carrying out TPM in the enterprise, and the problems existing in the enterprise. To make it clearly that it is necessary to carry out 5S management at the factory, for China G-Thinker Equipment Co., Ltd is a small and medium-sized enterprise which produces sanitary wares. With the key point of enterprise to carry out the “5S” management, which is the very important foundation of TPM management. It also brings forward the plan of practicing TPM at China G-Thinker Equipment Co., Ltd. Firstly we must bring “5s”management that who can change factory actuality. Any more we can push TPM from a few aspects like leading consciousness、organizing system、employee educate、enactment TPM goal and so on. Highlighting the importance of continuous improvement for enterprises to improve the efficient of produce and management. KEYWORDS:TPM 5S Sanitary wares Continuous Improvement 正文目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 第一章 引 言 1 第一节 设备管理对制造企业的重要性 1 第二节 制造企业设备管理存在的问题 2 第三节 TPM推广的重要性 4 第二章 TPM应用研究现状


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