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Module 11; 1.掌握身体部位的词汇. 2.会使用祈使句。 3.了解一些不同的国家不同的肢体语言。培养对不同文化的兴趣。;;foreign /f?r?n/ personal /p? ?sn?l/ arm in arm hold /h??ld/ move /mu?v/ not at all polite /p?la?t/ wave /we?v/ in fact rude /ru?d/ ; 按照提示和句意,填入恰当的词。;1 Match the words with the parts of the body.;Use “Touch your…” or “Don’t touch your… ”;无主语 动词原形或don’t 开头;Listen and watch;Here are some ways to welcome them.;;;2.Do the British like touching people?;;; Where is the passage possibly from? A. A novel B. A magazine of English C. A dictionary ; Check ( ) the body language you can use in different countries and places.;Fill in the blanks and retell(复述)the text. ;Pay attention to the following sentences.; Work in groups. Talk about our class rules. And then make a list of class rules in our school.;People in different countries use different body language. We should understand and respect different cultures and customs in different countries. Like the old saying ________________________________.;;3. Jenny didn’t understand it ______. A. at all B. not at all C. a little 4. It’s ____ to stand up to answer in class. A. polite B. rude C. foreign 5. _____, we do eye exercises every day. A. In the future B. From now on C. In fact;Lingling: People from (1) ________ countries have different body language from us. In (2) ________ people don’t like to touch other people, but in South America they like to (3) ____ on to you so you can’t (4) ____ away. Remember to give (5) _______ from North America lots of (6) ________ space. In some countries it isn’t (7) _____ to look at people when you talk. And it isn’t polite to (8) _____ goodbye in Greece. In (9) ____, it’s quite (10) ____! ;Writing(写作) 题目要求:假如你是李华,今年暑假要去澳大利亚度假。请根据以下提示给你的悉尼笔友Ann写一封书信,理解一下身势语的情况,60词左右。 提示:1.到澳大利亚怎样同他们(Australians)问好?



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