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网上家具 网上家具销售系统的开发 摘 要 在科技发展迅速的当今时代,我们每天都在接受新鲜的事物,享受科技给我们带来的方便。尤其是在网络这块,网络不仅使人们了解事物更广,而且的使人们的生活更方便,更符合快节奏生活,以前人们购物只能在实体店购买,现在人们只需要在家通过网络就可以轻松购物,不仅品种齐全而且价格实惠,尤其是在家具销售这方面,为家长节省了很多时间家长不用在上完班之后还要跑到店里去为孩子挑选家具,不仅购买方便而且还会送货到门。而且还会有售后服务,顾客可以放心购物。 本系统以Visual Studio 2008作为开发平台,使用C#语言和ASP.NET为语言基础来设计开发,以SQL Server 2005数据库作为管理数据信息的工具。首先必须让消费者使用方便,得心应手。首页的前几个图片首先会放一些当下最流行的家具,比如跟电视剧有关的一些儿童家具。系统的后台使管理员进入后台之后可以很方便的管理,条理清晰,结构清楚。可以对商品和用户进行管理。本系统将构造一个功能完善的家具销售网站,更好的服务于顾客。 关键词:家具销售系统 数据库 ASP.NET Abstract In todays era of rapid development in science and technology, we every day to accept new things, enjoy the technology brings us convenience. Especially in the network, the network not only makes people understand things more widely, and make peoples life more convenient, more in line with the fast pace of life, people can only buy shopping in the store. Now people only need at home through the Internet can easily shopping, not only complete varieties and the price is affordable, especially in the toy sales, save a lot of time without parents after class but also went to the store to pick the toys for the children for parents, not only easy to buy and will be delivered to the door. But there will be customer service service shopping, customers can be assured. This system uses Visual Studio 2008 as a development platform, using C# language and ASP.NET language as the basis to design and development, using SQL Server 2005 database as the data management tools. We must first allow consumers to use convenient and handy. The first few customers first will put some of the most popular toys, such as childrens toys with some related the TV series. After the background of the system so that the administrator can easily enter the backstage management, clear, clear structure. Can manage goods and users. This system will construct a perfect toy sales website, better service to customers. Key words: Toy sales system Database ASP.NET 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 3815 第1章 绪论1


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